
(Barry) #1

David Walker

More tea vicar

David Walker is a Photoartist from Yoxall in Staffordshire. He has been active in the field since
2013 and was one of the “first wave” of artists who developed in the genre. Over the past few
years David concentrated his art in the realm of realism with a preference for landscapes,
seascapes and cityscapes. He tends towards the impressionist style but also enjoys the 18c
English Masters works in country landscapes.

The vast majority of his work is based on his own photographs. David moved from photography
to PhotoArt after being dismayed at the narrow thinking of camera clubs and photographic
judges. He found their approach to their art very confining and became disenchanted with the
negativity that abounds in many in the world of photography, although he does acknowledge that
there are some very talented photographers who treat photography as a proper art!

See more artwork on my website:


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