Across Forest, Steppe, and Mountain_ Environment, Identity, and Empire in Qing China\'s Borderlands

(Ann) #1
The removal of Donghai Jurchen from the mid-SAH during the 1670 s

was the operational centerpiece of this mobilization. By this time both the

Qing and Romanovs had received warnings and appeals for intervention

via their indigenous tributary systems.^88 Such records, dating from the

1670 s until the Russian expulsion from the SAH in 1687 , suggest a

polarization of direct imperial struggles for basin resources.^89

The Qing state issued an appeal to indigenous peoples and imple-

mented drastic measures as early as 1653 – 54 when many“Solon”were

relocated southward to the Non River where they would form the

Hunting Eight Banners. Several hundred households were also moved in

1665. Details on relocation, however, are scant before the 1670 s, coin-

ciding with the apparent peak in Cossack Yaksa’s ability to collect

yasak.^90 The Russians sometimes likely misinterpreted the wholesale

abandonment of villages before their impending and often dreaded des-

cent as Manchu-initiated. Actually, as for example in 1653 , authorities

were sometimes informed of indigenousflight to Qing territory after the

fact through routine communications of pelt tribute exchanges.^91

Relocation, which could involve shifts of thousands of people and

animals over hundreds of kilometres, was logistically complicated and

potentially traumatic.Table 2 provides demographic statistics on the

1676 relocation operation. Under the leadership of the Meljere clan

leader Januka, forty-five New Manchu banner companies of 2 , 768 men

were raised from a population of more than thirteen thousand. This

whole group was shifted from an area roughly stretching more than two

hundred kilometers from the Ton River above Ilan Hala north to the the

Bičan River, just above the SAH-Sungari confluence.^92 So began a sys-

tematic process of relocation that continued to form, shift, and reshift

New Manchu banner companies of mid-SAH residents to points as far

south as Beijing up to 1791.^93

At such a scale and under the exigency of Russian incursion, problems,

including active resistance to relocation, were inevitable. By 1678 officials

were still reviewing demographic registration information (outlined

inTable 2 ) that was required to complete mobilization for eighteen of

the banner companies. Some of these had already been split into new

formations.^94 Many ostensibly logistical problems were actually rooted in

the abrupt severance of indigenous peoples’existing environmental ties,

especially with game, in the process of reconstituting their identity as

mobilized Qing subjects.

Upon their arrival at Ningguta some Warka officers, for example,

petitioned resident dynastic officials for funds to purchase a large number

88 Across Forest, Steppe, and Mountain
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