Across Forest, Steppe, and Mountain_ Environment, Identity, and Empire in Qing China\'s Borderlands

(Ann) #1

135 MWLF, YZ 12 / 11 / 15 [ 03 - 0173 - 1040 - 002 ]. For overviews of Guihua urban
development and administration, see Wu-yun-ger-ri-le,Shiba zhi ershi shiji
chu Neimenggu chengzhen yanjiu, 17 – 19 , 52 – 57 ; Jin Hai et al.,Qingdai
Menggu zhi, 177 – 81 , 282 ; Zhao Zhiheng,Neimenggu tongshi,disan juan,
3 : 138 – 42. For recent studies of urban-rural interactions in Mongolia, see
Bruun and Narangoa, eds.,Mongols from Country to City.
136 MWLF, QL 15 / 10 / 25 [ 03 - 0173 - 1089 - 004 ].
137 MWLF, YZ 12 / 11 / 29 [ 03 - 0173 - 1163 - 007. 2 ].
138 MWLF, QL 13 / 2 / 20 [ 03 - 0170 - 0061 - 002 ]; Sun Jiagan,Sun Wending Gong
zoushu, 1 : 329 – 24. Thefigure of 117 , 600 , in addition to another 10 , 400 -
plus new arrivals, submitted by local officials in the Manchu report seems
more precise, than the“two to three hundred thousand-plus”Han reportedly
engaged in agricultural clearance in Bagou according toQSL,QL 12 / 12 / 3 ,
12 : 972 b– 73 a.

168 Across Forest, Steppe, and Mountain
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