Across Forest, Steppe, and Mountain_ Environment, Identity, and Empire in Qing China\'s Borderlands

(Ann) #1
interdependence of humans and ecology not just by virtue of a Han-

barbarian self-other dichotomy.

Even tribute, a primary measure of Hanspace ostensibly defined by

ethnically diverse human relations, is bounded by ecological links forged

by distance and distinct types offlora, fauna, and minerals. Hanspace

manifests itself metaphysically in that it always exists to some degree every-

where and, since the beginning of Chinese recorded history, at every time in

essentially the same way. However, it is not absolutely unlimited, and tribute

appears as a result of spatial confines and differences. In Hu’sviewthe

influence ofshengjiaoextended beyond the empire’s physical administrative

boundaries (jiangli) that encompassed the Nine Provinces. Nevertheless,

although“there is no distance [shengjiao] does not reach,”it was consider-

ably attenuated by distance from the Han core of the state. Indeed, tribute, in

its most basic sense as the local produce,flora, and fauna presented by

subordinates to superiors, was the primary tangible evidence of the oper-

ation ofshengjiaooutside the exclusively Han core of the state.^23 This ethnic

core also attenuates through the two transitional outer domains culminating

in the“four seas,”which are not really bodies of water and entirely inhabited

by the non-Han Yi, Di, Rong, and Man peoples. As Hu in effect states, these

groups rule their own lands and people.^24

The force ofshengjiaonevertheless remains sufficient to tie the Han

core and non-Han periphery together and even portend their eventual

unification by assimilation:

The lords of the Domain of Restraint and the Wild Domain, which lie beyond [the
three domains of the Sovereign, Nobles, and Pacification],...all present [tribute] in
order to express their sincere desire to move toward assimilation by proper
emulation...Tribute relations even extend to the island barbarians of the east
beyond the seas and the various western barbarians, who all come to make offerings
and be governed...Tribute should be taken in the sense of wide, of great. For...
taxation is limited to the core of the state, but tribute links the world. To say
“taxation”does not include tribute, but to say“tribute”does include taxation.
Thus, when historians use tribute for the name of this section [i.e., the“Yugong”],
they actually mean it in the sense of the greater unity [da yitong]fromeasttowest.^25

Tribute here is the culture that unites the entire world, regardless of

distance or ethnic diversity, but depends on both as realized through the

distinctive varieties offlora, fauna, and minerals that are its material

currency. Taxation, in the form of regular agrarian products from China

proper, is a subcategory that is purely Han.

Tribute is also the conduit through whichshengjiaotravels to incorp-

orate new territory and peoples into the Nine Provinces. Hu asserts,

30 Across Forest, Steppe, and Mountain
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