
(Brent) #1
calories a day.” How? “By incorporating
the easiest movement,” she says. The

The wellness author decodes her
scientific High Fiber Keto diet for Us

Five Keys

to Keto

Naomi Whittel’s


Fiber FTW!
What makes Whittel’s diet a
total game changer? “I
plussed-up keto and made it work
better for my body by incorporat-
ing more fiber,” she explains. The
pro says 90 percent of people are
fiber-deficient, which can lead to a
weak immune system and cause the
body to store extra fat. Fiber can
also help you stay youthful; plus, it
contains micronutrients and prebiotics
that can aid in digestion. Whittel’s
fiber-filled meal plan can rev up the
metabolism, balance hormones,
improve your skin and more.


Easy Eating
Whittel’s 22-day plan consists
of simple, yummy recipes like
chili and chicken tenders with crucifer-
ous veggies (think Brussels sprouts,
artichokes and cauliflower, which can
reduce inflammation). The snacks, like
fat bombs (a.k.a. peanut butter with
a scoop of jelly on top) are tasty too,
and some don’t even require home
prep: SlimFast’s Keto Fat Bombs and
Keto Meal Bars are great for on the go.

  • Read New York Times bestselling author Naomi Whittel’s High Fiber Keto: A 22-Day Science-Based Plan to Fix Your Metabolism, Lose Weight &
    Balance Your Hormones ($26.99, out Feb. 25 at naomiwhittel.com) or text KETOFIBER to 44123 to find out more about SlimFast Keto. Message
    and data rates may apply. For the SlimFast privacy policy go to slimfast.com/privacy-policy. For terms and conditions go to slimfast.com/legal.


fiber,” Whittel says.


Hydration Helpers
Whittel emphasizes the
importance of hydrating to
ward off the risk of catching the “keto
flu” (symptoms include headaches,
fatigue and nausea). In addition to
chugging H 2 O, Whittel recommends
increasing your intake of water-based
foods like celery and cucumber.
“You’re putting what’s called ‘green
gel water’ into your system,” which
increases antiaging
bonuses, she says. “It can
detoxify the body, plump
the skin and also help to
balance hormones.”


Simple Steps
Folks who are
anti-gym will really
dig Whittel’s plan: “You’re
going to put a pin in your
exercise,” but you’re still
going to “burn up to 500

so forgo overexertion on the treadmill
and try the NEAT (non-exercise activity
thermogenesis) method instead. “It’s
as simple as getting up from your desk
every 30 minutes to stretch and walk
around, or dancing in the morning to
your favorite song.”


Mistake Management
Adopting a new lifestyle is
challenging, so don’t fret if
you fall off the wagon.
“A quick jump start back
into keto is MCT oil,” says
the author, because it can
“double your production
of ketones in a few hours.”
(Pro tip: Add a teaspoon
of the creamy version to
your coffee or smoothie.)
More importantly, keep
a positive outlook if you
have a setback. “It’s a new
day. You have a chance to
totally renew!”


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