Daily Mail - 05.03.2020

(Brent) #1

Page 26 Daily Mail, Thursday, March 5, 2020

TROPICAL rainforests are losing

their ability to absorb greenhouse

gas as rising temperatures are

killing trees, researchers warn.
Within 15 years, the Amazon rainfor-
est – known as the ‘lungs of the world’

  • will start to produce more carbon
    dioxide than it sucks in from the
    atmosphere, they believe.
    And they say that rainforests’ ability to
    trap CO2 has already fallen by one third
    since the 1990s, posing a ‘big concern for
    the future of humanity’. Scientists had

from being a carbon ‘sink’ to being
a source of extra CO2. Research-
ers who tracked 300,000 trees over
30 years in Africa and the Amazon
said it appeared the overall uptake
of carbon by intact tropical forests
peaked in the 1990s.
By the 2010s, the ability of these
forests to absorb CO2 had declined
by a third on average.
The boost to growth that extra
CO2 provides is increasingly
being countered by higher tem-

peratures and drought. These
issues slow growth and can kill
trees, causing carbon losses, the
researchers say.
The area covered by intact for-
ests also declined by almost a fifth
in the face of deforestation – and
CO2 emissions from human activ-
ity jumped by 46 per cent over
that time.
A s a r e s u l t , i n t a c t f o r e s t s
removed 17 per cent of carbon
emissions caused by humans in

the 1990s but only 6 per cent by
the 2010s.
The study was led by the Univer-
sity of Leeds. Senior author Pro-
fessor Simon Lewis, from the
school of geography at Leeds,
said: ‘Intact tropical forests
remain a vital carbon sink but this
research reveals that unless poli-
cies are put in place to stabilise
Earth’s climate, it is only a matter
of time until they are no longer
able to sequester carbon.’

Rainforests ‘can’t

save us from CO 2 ’

They’re losing ability to absorb greenhouse gas

predicted that rainforests would
eventually stop storing CO2 and
start to release it, as dead trees
release greenhouse gas when they
decompose. But the new findings
are worse than the most pessimis-
tic predictions and suggest the
process will begin decades earlier
than forecast.
Vast rainforests such as those
along the Amazon and Congo riv-
ers are among the biggest natural
absorbers of CO2. The gas is
produced by burning fossil fuels,

and when it hangs around in the
atmosphere it traps heat like a
greenhouse. Trees help to stop
the build-up by removing CO2
f r o m t h e a i r a n d s t o r i n g i t
as wood.
Climate models typically predict
rainforests will go on giving
humans a helping hand in dealing
with emissions for decades.
But the study – published in
journal Nature – suggests they
have already started to switch

By Colin Fernandez

Environment Correspondent

Greta thunberg yesterday accused the
european Union of ‘pretending’ to
urgently tackle climate change.
It came as eU leaders unveiled pro-
posed laws to cut greenhouse gas
emissions to net zero by 2050.
But the climate activist, 17, who trav-
elled to the european Parliament for
the discussions, was scathing.
She told MePs: ‘When your house is on
fire, you don’t wait a few more years to
start putting it out.’ She said the eU was

ignoring reality by focusing on an emis-
sions target 30 years away.
the Swedish environmentalist added:
‘Here you are... pretending that you
can be a climate leader and still go on
building and subsidising new fossil
fuel infrastructure.’
the new climate laws would create
powers to set tougher goals for gov-
ernments every five years. But these
powers would only kick in after 2030 –
which will be too late, say activists.

Greta: EU just pretending to act

Scathing: Miss Thunberg at the EU yesterday
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