Daily Mail - 05.03.2020

(Brent) #1

Daily Mail, Thursday, March 5, 2020^ Page 31

Costa del Cleethorpes!

By Chris Brooke
North Sea resort’s big idea to bring

back visitors... a 72ft steel palm tree

VISITORS brave enough
to take a dip in the sea at
Cleethorpes are unlikely
to describe the experi-
ence as tropical.
And certainly they won’t
see many palm trees on the
town’s beach.
However, councillors have
decided that a 72ft palm tree
made out of steel is just what
the Lincolnshire resort needs
to entice families back.
The tree will be higher than
the Angel of the North sculp-
ture which overlooks the A1 in
the North East, and will be the
centrepiece of a £600,000
regeneration scheme on the
town’s North Promenade.
German artist Wolfgang
Weileder came up with the
palm tree idea after being com-
missioned by North East Lin-
colnshire Council to design a
landmark work of public art.

Critics have laughed at the
idea of such a tree in a resort
that’s hardly tropical, but Mr
Weileder insisted: ‘In the light
of climate change there might
be palm trees growing on our
coasts soon anyway.’
The tree will be lit up at
night and rubbish collected
from beaches will be used to
help make an artwork ‘shadow’
of the tree on paving under it.
The project will include ‘con-
temporary works of art’ on
the shutters of businesses
along the prom to create an
outdoor art gallery.
There will also be ‘dynamic
swirling’ lights and ‘funky fit-
ness furniture’ to sit or exer-
cise on. It is all being paid

for by the Government’s
coastal communities fund.
The scheme is designed to
‘boost footfall’ at the resort,
which in its heyday was a
hugely popular destination for
holidaymakers from York-

has to sit for a period of time.
This may encourage more peo-
ple to come to the resort.’
However councillor Tim
Mickleburgh described the
palm tree as ‘ barmy’ and
said: ‘What on earth does a
palm tree have to do with
The reaction was even less
welcoming on a local news
site’s social media page.
Rachel Nolloth said: ‘Can’t
believe what I’m reading, I’ll
give it five days before its cov-
ered in graffiti and trashed.’
Rick Oakes said: ‘Perhaps
try to get more visitors,
with attractions and upgrades,
not something that will just
be laughed at!’

Seaside traditions: Sticks of rock for sale, and the pier and beach at Cleethorpes

‘It will just be
laughed at’

Anne’s hero sells medal for £50,000

A BRAVERY medal awarded
to a former boxer who
fought off a man trying to
kidnap Princess Anne has
sold for £50,000, more than
double its estimate.
Ronnie Russell, 72, said he
was ‘blown away’ by the
price a private collector
paid for his George Medal.
Mr Russell sold the award
to pay for his funeral after

being struck by health prob-
lems, but says the extra
money will give him oppor-
tunities to do things he
never thought he could.
The former heavyweight
boxer punched Ian Ball twice
as he tried to kidnap Anne at
gunpoint in central London
in March 1974. Mr Russell

said: ‘I never believed it
would sell for this amount. I
am absolutely blown away.’
He was awarded the medal
by the Queen, who told him:
‘The medal is from the
Queen, but I want to thank
you as Anne’s mother.’
The George Medal is the
second highest civilian
award for gallantry after
the George Cross.

Daily Mail Reporter

Exotic: How the steel tree sculpture will look

s h i r e ’ s i n d u s t r i a l t o w n s.
Despite a mixed public reac-
tion, the tree was approved
yesterday by the council’s
planning committee.
Stephen Harness, committee
chairman, admitted he did not
like the sculpture at first but
added: ‘Sometimes an idea

Former boxer: Ronnie Russell
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