Daily Mail - 05.03.2020

(Brent) #1
Daily Mail, Thursday, March 5, 2020^ Page 39

Love Island
presenter Laura
Whitmore says she is
proud of the Be Kind
movement that has
flourished in the
wake of the death of
Caroline Flack.
‘I’m really proud of
it, but I think it’s
something that
has always been
there, but it hasn’t
had the attention
before because it
wasn’t seen as
glamorous or juicy,’
she tells me.
‘I think if we all are
kind to ourselves
and others then
we’ll be making a
positive change.
‘It was literally so
hard getting through
to the end of the
series because of
everything that has
happened, but it’s
so nice to be
back home.
‘I just wanted to get
back home to see my
dog and my family
and friends.’

Shady Lady

Pamela is one

glam granny

What a groover! the Queen’s
bridesmaid Lady Pamela hicks,
90, still knows how to put on a
good spectacle.
She celebrated the birthday of
her daughter India’s partner
David Flint Wood by wearing
sunglasses with the words ‘David
rocks’ emblazoned on them.
India — who was expelled from
Gordonstoun school in Scotland,
alma mater of her godfather
Prince Charles, for entertaining
boys in her room — spent
holidays at her father’s self-built
home in the Bahamas.
She still lives there with former
ad executive Flint Wood and
their five children.

Game Of Thrones Gwendoline

goes on the warpath for women

Game Of Thrones star Gwendoline
Christie, who is 6ft 3in, is wielding
t h e s w o r d o f t r u t h o n b e h a l f
of women.
‘It’s widely known that guys have
had their own way for a long time,’
she tells me.
‘The society around us tries to
dictate to us what it means to be a
w o m a n a n d w h a t i t m e a n s t o
look feminine or act in a lady-like

manner. What’s even more troubling
is it’s solely based on the way
we look.
‘I have experienced it first-hand.
I’m dreaming of a future where we
have more female characters that are
loved for their actions and achieve-
ments, not the labels that are
imposed on them by society.
‘I don’t want it to exist only in
fiction, but in real life, too.’

Prince’s Trust gave me

my acting career: Idris

LuTher star Idris elba
says he would have turned
his back on acting if he
hadn’t received a grant
from Prince Charles’s
charity — the Prince’s
‘at the age of 16 I left
school and had dreams
of being a big actor and
went to the Youth music
Theatre until I realised
how expensive it was
going to be,’ he told me
at We Day uK 2020 at
Wembley. ‘But because

of the determination I’d
had implanted in me, I
didn’t give up.
‘after applying to the
P r i n c e ’ s T r u s t a n d
receiving a £1,500 grant,
it changed my life.
‘Sometimes the small-
est things help you grow
and these opportunities
have helped shaped me
as a person, as a parent,
as a husband, a friend
and a rapper. It will
shape the legacy I will
leave behind.’

food critic Jay
Rayner isn’t in the
business of doling out
advice for free. ‘I get
repeated emails from
small restaurants, big
restaurants, saying:
“We’d love you to
come in and try and
give us your
feedback.” That’s not
my job, and you’re
worth £100 million.
I’m not coming in to
give you advice for
free. Who the hell do
you think you are?
I won’t even do
consultancy for
them.’ Crumbs!

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