Daily Mail - 05.03.2020

(Brent) #1

Page 42 Daily Mail, Thursday, March 5, 2020

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I tried to

hide under

the bed but

still my



me, then

raped me

... and another vIctIm shares her very dIfferent dIary

Laura, 19, from East Sussex, was raped by a
stranger at a party three years ago. She says:

August 31, 2017
I can’t take in what happened last night. I feel
so dirty and ashamed. I didn’t want to go to the
party but my friend Rachael wanted to see her
boyfriend. as soon as we arrived, she went off
with him.
a man called Mike, whose flat it was, made a
beeline for me. He kept leering, saying I was
pretty. He was 20 years older, and was telling
me to take some cocaine he had with him. I’ve
never done it and I said no, but in the end I
thought if I took some he’d leave me alone.
Instead, he pulled me into a bedroom and
pushed me down. after he’d raped me, I tried to
leave but his friends wouldn’t let me, and he

raped me again. this time I tried to fight,
repeatedly shouting: ‘no!’ But he pushed me on
to the bed. When he was finally too drunk or
drugged up to care, I managed to leave at
about 5am. I walked home in a daze — there
were no buses — then sat at my dressing table
and started to cry.

September 1, 2017
I Want to tell the police but, as I’m 16, it would
mean my parents would have to know.
they adopted me as my birth parents were
drug addicts, and I’m so ashamed I took cocaine.
I don’t want them to be disappointed.
I was afraid I could be pregnant or have a
disease so went to a clinic but, thankfully, I’m
OK. I cry a lot on my own, though. I’ve told two
of my close friends but not Rachael.

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graphic statements and gruelling cross-
examination in court. And then there’s
the fact that fewer than 5 per cent of all
rape cases result in conviction.
Although U.S. rules are different, the
recent trial of disgraced film mogul
Harvey Weinstein, convicted last month
of two charges of rape, has made the issue
a global talking point.
Six women took the witness stand at his
trial; but given the statistics, it’s not
hard to understand why victims in less
high-profile cases may decide against
doing so.
Last week, British pop star Duffy wrote
on social media that she too had been
raped and imprisoned by an attacker but
kept silent about it for years. It is not
known whether what happened led to
criminal proceedings but there is no
doubt about the devastating impact on
the singer’s life.
Ultimately for victims, it takes both
courage and determination to try to hold
attackers to account. Here, two such
women reveal their painfully honest
diaries — and very different outcomes.
FirSt, charlotte, 26, a mother-of-three
from the East of England, who was raped
seven years ago by her then boyfriend,
shares her story...

June 24, 2012
I feeL humiliated and worthless. earlier
this evening my boyfriend Simon raped
me in our bedroom.
We’d had a row about nothing much
when he suddenly dragged me upstairs. I
tried to hide under the bed but he
violently sexually assaulted me. It was
excruciating. He said he would stop if I
came out from under the bed, but he then
grabbed me and raped me. I tried every-
thing to stop him but he was too strong.
I was left in so much pain. I managed to
lock myself in the bathroom while he
tried to smash the door down.
Terrified, I waited hours until it sounded
like he’d left. Then I made a dash for my
car but he reappeared and stood in front
of the bonnet, saying he’d taken an over-
dose. He started throwing up,
apologising, and saying he would
kill himself if I left.
I’m too ashamed to tell anyone,
to tell the police or my family or
see a doctor. It’s difficult to
explain how humiliated, down-
trodden and worthless I feel.
We have been together for three
months. He seemed so charming
when we met through friends. I’d
just come out of a relationship
and he was attentive and kind.
We soon started living together
at my dad’s house. Dad runs his
o w n m u l t i - m i l l i o n p o u n d
company and stays with his
partner most of the time so we
have the place to ourselves.
Simon recently quit his job and
is now dependent on the money I
e a r n a s a n a d m i n i s t r a t i v e
assistant for my dad’s company.
I know he is troubled — he has
shown flashes of temper before
and has hit me sometimes, but
never this.
Sadly, this isn’t the first time
this has happened to me. When I
was 14 I was raped by a relative
and told the police but nothing
came of it. So maybe that’s why I
have written this down — just in
case I feel strong enough to tell
anyone, there’s a record of it.

July 2012
I’m STILL with Simon and we
are seeing a relationship counsel-
lor. Knowing things were volatile
between us, his mum suggested
we have sessions with a family
friend. He does seem to be sorry
for what he did and in a moment
of honesty, told his mother.
I felt so humiliated but she told
me she had been raped when she
w a s y o u n g e r a n d f o u n d a
counsellor very helpful.
I told the counsellor what
Simon had done to me. She
explained to him that it was rape.
He got really angry and threw a
t a b l e a c r o s s t h e r o o m. H e
struggles so much with anger

that I feel sorry for him sometimes
— but also frightened.

August 2012
I Keep having flashbacks of the
rape. The smallest of things set
me off, such as Simon leaning
over me to get the television
remote one night, which made
my blood run cold — or whenever
I hear him slam the door.
It was too much and in the end
I found the strength to leave him.
He didn’t take it well, saying he
would kill himself and me.
I’ve no idea where he’s living
but I’m with my mum now, who
has been very supportive. She
doesn’t know what Simon did. I
feel too ashamed to tell her.
The only person I’ve told is my
sister Louise.

June 2015
THree years on, I have a new
partner, Jack, and we have two

children: a daughter, two, and a
son, one. from the outside it
looks like I’ve moved on — but
the rape colours everything.
Sometimes I flinch when Jack
touches me. He knows what
Simon did. I told him one night
while we were in bed and I
freaked out. I had to explain why
I was struggling with being
intimate. He was very under-
standing and promises me he will
never hurt me and that we will
take our time until I feel ready.
I worry I’ll ruin our relationship.
I’ve suffered severe post-natal
depression and had counselling,
which helped me realise how
deeply traumatised I am.
I struggle to get out of bed, I
don’t look after myself, wash or
eat enough. I’ve been self-harm-
ing too. It feels like a release.
I haven’t felt strong enough to
r e t u r n t o m y j o b ; I f e e l
so broken.

July 2015
ToDAy I saw Simon in town. He
didn’t see me, but I had a panic
attack and my hand let go of the
buggy and it rolled into the road.
I managed to catch it in time but
I can’t shake the terror of know-
ing he’s so close to where I live. I
need to do something.

August 2015
I’ve finally done it. With my
sister Louise there for moral
support, I went to the police
station and reported him.
I felt nervous walking into the
station, but the male officer on
the front desk took me seriously
and I was then interviewed by a
man and a woman who took my
statement. It was difficult as they
wanted a lot of intimate detail. I
had the account I wrote at the
time and I gave it to them.
I feel so scared in case Simon

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