Daily Mail - 05.03.2020

(Brent) #1
Daily Mail, Thursday, March 5, 2020^ Page 43

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Chilling: Ioan
Gruffudd and
Froggatt in
ITV date rape
drama Liar

... and another victim shares her very different diary

retaliates but also a sense of relief.
Since my children were born, the
feeling has been growing that I
need to protect them and that
means making sure he never hurts
anyone else.
It all seems like a blur, having to
re-live it all in my statement. They
wanted to know every little detail,
what he did and when. They said it
was historical rape but that it was
never too late to report it and it
was good that I had.
I know I’ve done the right thing
but I’m worried what Simon might
do now.

September 1, 2015
SImon has been arrested and
granted bail but is not allowed to
contact me.
I feel terrified he is going to hurt
me. I have had heavy-duty locks
installed on my doors and the
police have told me there is a red-
flag alert, so if I phone them, they

will come immediately. I’ve been
assigned an officer, Hannah, who
deals with sexual offences.
She says my case will succeed
and Simon could go to prison for
12 to 15 years. She told me he had
guilt written all over his face in his
interview. I don’t know if she’s
saying this to make me feel better
but it’s good to hear.
As it was so long ago, she says
they need to gather evidence and
will be speaking to both my and
Simon’s friends and family to get
c h a r a c t e r r e f e r e n c e s. I f e e l
uncomfortable, embarrassed and
scared by this but I know they
need to do it. I told her the
counsellor should have a record.
I speak to Hannah every week on
the phone and she keeps me up to
date with things.

September 5, 2015
SImon has been charged with
rape but our counsellor says she’s

destroyed all her notes, which
means that, other than character
references, it is now my word
a g a i n s t h i s. I g a v e a v i d e o
statement at the police station for
court. It took hours and it was
hard going through it all again so
graphically — the shame, the pain,
the violence — these are memories
I’ve tried to bury.
Jack supports my decision to
report Simon. I’m really struggling
with my mental health, though. I
just can’t cope with life and the
responsibilities of being a mother.
Hannah has put me in touch with
a w o m a n n a m e d n i k i t a , a n
independent adviser from Refuge
(a charity supporting others like
me) and we’ve arranged to meet.

April 2016
IT HAS been really tough waiting
for the trial, which is due to start
next month. Things have ended
with Jack. I’m not strong enough

to be in a relationship right now,
so I ended things. Being a single
parent to two young children will
be hard but nikita has been a life-
line. We meet for a coffee every
week and she is always there on
t h e p h o n e t o h e l p m e w i t h
whatever I need.
She took me to the court to show
me where I’ll stand, where Simon
will be and the judge and jury. She
explained I can give evidence from
a different room via video link or
behind a screen. I decided I
wanted the jury to see me in
person. I want them to see my face
and see I am telling the truth.
nikita explains there will be a
barrister presenting my case in
court who works for the Crown
Prosecution Service. I feel quite
overwhelmed by it all.

May 2016
my HAnd is shaking and I can
hardly see to write for tears.
I gave evidence at the trial today.
I’ve failed completely. Simon’s
defence barrister, a woman, paid
for with legal aid, I believe, tied me
in knots, dismissing it as a sex
game that went wrong.
I don’t know how long I was on
the stand but it felt like for ever.
nikita had warned I’d be cross-
examined but I’d thought it would
be the criminal, not the victim,
who was grilled. I broke down and
we had to have a break.
At one point the barrister said I
was only doing this for the criminal
injury compensation (around
£11,000 on conviction) but I hadn’t
known about this when I reported
him. my dad’s a wealthy man. I
don’t need money.
She asked me why I hadn’t
reported it earlier, she asked if it
was not true that we had a good
sex life. It was just awful.
Afterwards, my mum held me as
I sobbed. my family couldn’t be in
court in case they got called as
witnesses. Being cross-examined
felt like being raped all over again.
I am starting to doubt he will be
found guilty.
my sister Louise gave evidence.
Heavily pregnant, she found it
tough. She told how she once saw
Simon trying to break my arm but
the defence lawyer was hard on
her, too.
She came out and collapsed on
the floor. She felt she wasn’t heard
in court and that she’d failed me.
Afterwards, nikita told me the
counsellor refused to come to
court, saying her car had been
smashed up and she was too
scared to testify. Why don’t they
make her? or at least insist she
gives a written statement?

Later in the month
THe worst of days. I am too numb
to cry. Hannah phoned to say
Simon has been found not guilty.

The jury didn’t agree there was
e n o u g h e v i d e n c e b e y o n d
reasonable doubt.
The next thing I knew, I woke up
in an ambulance after suffering a
panic attack and blacking out.
my life has been on hold for so
long and it feels like it’s all been
for nothing.
Why was I told over the phone?
It feels like it all meant nothing
and I have failed. I can’t cope with
the pain of it all. I feel like there’s
nothing left of me. I don’t know if I
can carry on.

March 2020
neARLy four years on, I still
regret reporting the rape. even if
Simon had gone to prison, the
scars of what I went through in
court will stay with me for ever.
I have a new partner, Tom, who
works in retail, but I don’t feel
strong enough to go back to work.
We met through a friend and he is
such a good man.
We had a beautiful little boy
Joshua two years ago. But for all
the good things in my life, I still
struggle to cope.
I’ve tried to kill myself countless
times since the trial and spent
time in hospital as my mental
health continues to decline. I’m on
antidepressants but it’s not
helping, so I’m waiting for a
referral to see another therapist.
Tom knows I feel low and tries to
support me the best he can.
I know I have children and there-
fore shouldn’t be thinking about
suicide but I can’t shake the feel-
ing they would be better off with-
out me. Knowing he got away with
it is more than I can bear. I know
someone else is going to go
through what I did because I
didn’t do well in court. I feel like
I’ve failed my daughter and worry
about her safety. It’s exhausting.
Although nikita stayed in touch,
I never heard from the police
ag a i n a f t e r t h a t p h o n e c a l l
from Hannah.
Honestly, I would say that unless
things change, if it happened to
me again, I wouldn’t report it.
R a p e t r i a l s s h o u l d n’ t h a v e
random members of the public on
the jury. It should be specialists
such as doctors or psychologists
w h o c a n u n d e r s t a n d a n d
empathise. And you shouldn’t be
cross-examined so brutally. It was
relentless and so distressing.
But what truly haunts me is the
fact that 12 men and women on
the jury thought he was innocent
and I was lying. And he is a free to
do this again.
n SEVERAL names have been
changed to protect identities.
n FoR support call the free 24-hour
national domestic abuse helpline
on 0808 2000 247 or go to

Convicted: Mpilo
‘Mike’ Mthunzi

November 2017
IT HAs just been my 17th birthday and my
life has turned upside down. Rachael
found out Mike raped me and told the
police — who told my parents. It’s a relief
they know. Mum hugged me and said it
was my choice what I wanted to do now.
I’ve decided to take it further. We
phoned the police and an officer, sophie,
came the next day to take a statement.
It was hard to say in front of Mum — I
didn’t want Dad there as I felt too ashamed
— but sophie was kind. she did ask about
my sexual history but she was under-
standing. I asked if Mike would know and
she said yes, which scared me. she said
he’d be given a restraining order.

December 2017
MIke has been arrested, charged and
remanded in custody. As there’s no
physical evidence, it’s going to be my
word against his, but he has a record of
other crimes.
sophie helped me record a video
interview at the station, which took
three hours and will be used in court.
I don’t want my siblings to know yet. It’s
dawning on me I’ll have to tell strangers
in graphic detail what happened.

April 2018
I CAn tell my parents are worried about
me. sophie said I can give evidence from
another room or behind a screen, but
I’ve decided I want him to see me.

May 2018
WHen I faced him in court, he didn’t even
look at me. I was shaking as I started to
speak. I knew it was important to tell the
jury how he had hurt me.
His barrister said so many lies! He
said I initiated it or took drugs
willingly. But they believed me.
He was found guilty.
If things hadn’t gone my way, I
would have been very scared
that he would find and hurt me.

Later that month
We WenT back to court today
for sentencing. I read out my

victim impact statement. The lawyers
talked about his criminal past, which the
jury weren’t allowed to know before,
including drugs, possessing a machete
and grabbing a woman round the throat.
Then the judge told Mike — whose real
name was Mpilo Mthunzi — that he
would go to prison for 16 years for
raping me and supplying drugs. I
cried happy tears.

March 2020
I’ Ve decided to become a police
officer. I’ve found strength in this,
and I am determined to make the
best I can of my life.
n L AuR A’S name has
been changed.

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