Daily Mail - 05.03.2020

(Brent) #1
Page 68 Daily Mail, Thursday, March 5, 2020

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oscar cainer

AppropriAtely, as we
approach international
Women’s Day, Venus is
playing a key role. the planet
linked with feminine energy
today enters ‘her’ sensuous
and productive taurean
home. Here, she encourages

us to appreciate the
pleasures life brings. the
world is far from being equal
or fair, so it’s important we
still dare to dream of better
things. But that shouldn’t
stop us rewarding the good
that has already been done.


fred basset

chloe & co

odd streak

eVery so often,
several mediums
and clairvoyants are taken into a
laboratory where they’re tested to see
whether their psychic powers really do
exist. Under the glare of the lights and the
disbelieving eyes of the technicians, it’s not
easy to be open to receiving insights. it
would be helpful if you could find a way to
explain the strong instincts you’re currently
feeling. But if you over-analyse an intuitive
idea, it tends to disappear. it would be much
better to trust it and follow it. March brings
the Equinox! For your light-shedding,
hope-giving, worry-quashing, month-ahead
forecast, call 0906 751 5601.

IT Takes
hundreds of
years for oak trees to reach their full
magnificence. Little by little they grow
stronger and sturdier until they dominate the
horizon. Given that they’ve been around for so
long, we don’t show them much respect. If
they could talk, they’d tell us about the
importance of having good roots. They know
a lot about standing tall and dignified
throughout the changing seasons of life, too.
as Venus, your ruler, moves into your sign,
stay rooted to a position you believe in. You’re
starting to blossom. This is the exciting
Equinox month. Take full advantage of the
inspiration March brings. Call 0906 751 5602.

We knoW
how easily
influenced children are — that’s why tV
advertisers follow guidelines during the
times kids are watching. even when they’re
too young to understand what’s being sold,
they get swept along in the excitement and
try to cajole any grown-ups in the vicinity to
buy whatever it is that’s being offered. How
they think one item will improve their lives
is anyone’s guess. yet life in the material
world is a bit like that for grown-ups, too.
Don’t be taken in by first appearances today.
A new month! An action-packed
astrological picture. A forecast that could
transform your life! Call 0906 751 5603.

WOuLdn’T it
be fine to
have an army of servants ready and waiting to
tend to our every need? Hungry? no problem.
new car? sure thing. Our every wish and
desire is their command. But most of us don’t
deserve such treatment, do we? actually, it’s
hard to think of anyone who deserves it more

than you. Yet someone in your universe seems
to think you should be treating them in such a
way. If you find yourself complying with
outlandish demands, make sure you’re doing it
for the right reasons.
For exciting news about the potential
delights in store for you this month, call
your March forecast: 0906 751 5604.
rAtHer than
worrying about
who’s right and who’s wrong, as Venus
changes signs, there are more valuable
ways of spending your time. the cosmos is
asking you to take a broader view of the
factors that seem to be taking up so much
space in your mind. What’s the point of
making a point if, in the process, you place
yourself in a more vulnerable position?
if you can remain level-headed, not only
will your reaction be less dramatic,
but you’ll also discover a much easier and
kinder way to respond. Make your dreams
come true in March! Call your four-minute,
in-depth forecast: 0906 751 5605.
In HaBITanTs of
hot countries,
such as australia, have every right to be
nervous around spiders. after all, when they
can poison and hurt us, they deserve our fear
and respect. It’s when a fear is illogical that it
needs to be addressed. no one needs to be
scared of anything that won’t actually
cause them harm. as Venus changes signs
today, it highlights the need to reclassify
some of the reasons behind a decision
you’re in the process of making. There’s less
to be worried about than you think. March is
due to be amazing! For four minutes of
news that could transform your life, pick
up the phone! Call 0906 751 5606.

it’s not easy to
know how to
feel when you’re uncertain about the
position you’re in. is it ok to be feeling self-
assured? or would apprehension be more
appropriate? if you go with the negative
approach, it will be easy to interpret certain
signs as being messages of gloom. yet by
taking a more positive attitude, the same
signals can be viewed as inspirational. As
your ruler, Venus, changes signs today, take
the optimistic view and you’ll encourage a
process to unfold in the best way. Even if
you don’t usually call your in-depth phone
forecast, there’s great news in your March
prediction. Call 0906 751 5607.
as a scorpio,
it seems
almost ridiculous to describe you as being
sensitive. It’s such a banal word. It fails to
convey the great depths and complexities of
your emotions. Just look at the intricacy of
the battlements that you’ve carefully built,
tended and reinforced over the years to
protect your vulnerable heart. Yet Venus’s
change of signs indicates that a development
in your emotional life risks assailing those
carefully constructed walls. Good! It’s a
reminder that your feelings are a blessing.
The Equinox month brings potential for
positive change. Make March a month to
remember. Call 0906 751 5608.
a decision some time ago without realising
where it would lead you. Although you’re
still not sure of where you’re heading,
you’re starting to form a clearer picture in
your mind. you seem to have tricked
yourself into taking on more responsibility

than you had imagined. it’s not too late to
turn back. But you’re intrigued about what
lies ahead... so that’s not what you want to
do. even though you’ve had to make
surprising commitments, you’re on the
right road. Welcome to March! Your
powerful prediction for the month is ready.
For inspiring insight, call 0906 751 5609.
are content to live their lives within a series of
carefully demarcated lines. do this, but don’t
do that. Go here, but not there. Though these
may be no more than marks in the sand, it
takes courage to take that first step, break
with convention and forge your own path.
If you’re content with the status quo, there’s
no problem. If, on the other hand, your thirst
for knowledge and adventure isn’t being met,
then the time has come to make a stand.
don’t be afraid to do what’s right for you. The
Equinox month brings celestial creativity
and real reasons for hope. To take full
advantage, call 0906 751 5610.
yoU need
to speak
up if you’re not happy about what’s going
on. if there’s an issue that needs addressing,
you ought to address it. Despite the fact you
might feel awkward about speaking up for
what you know to be right, you’re in a
powerful position where your influence will
have a measurable effect. you’re not only
in control of the steering wheel of your
own destiny; as Venus changes signs, you’ve
also got a surge of power in your engine.
it’s time to say what needs to be said. then
you can move on. It’s March! For uplifting
news on how the month holds exciting
opportunities for you, call 0906 751 5611.
people are
prepared to spend more on local, organic
food. It’s not just a question of quality, it’s
about social consciousness. Who wouldn’t
prefer to eat wonky carrots if it prevents
pesticides finding their way into our water
supply? In the midst of the current ecological
crisis, such an approach is certainly
admirable. But if you were starving, and all
you could afford was cheap food of dubious
origin and quality, what would you do?
Compromise can be a good thing. To hear
valuable information about the changes you
can implement in March, call your month
ahead forecast: 0906 751 5612.

taurus Apr 21 - May 21

cancer June 23 - July 23

leo July 24 - Aug 23

virgo Aug 24 - sep 23

libra sep 24 - oct 23

scorpio oct 24 - nov 22

sagittarius nov 23 - Dec 21

capricorn Dec 22 - Jan 20

aquarius Jan 21 - Feb 19

pisces Feb 20 - Mar 20

gemini May 22 - June 22

aries Mar 21 - Apr 20





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