Daily Mail - 05.03.2020

(Brent) #1

Page 76 ADVERTISEMENT FEATURE^ Daily Mail, Thursday, March 5, 2020

FANCY heading off on a
cruise or taking a flight
to warmer climes at some
stage this year?
A powerchair that folds
down to make it easy
to transport could give
you more of a chance to
explore the world, and
enjoy breaks and days out
in the UK.
Folding powerchairs come
in a range of sizes. They
can be used inside and
out, are quick to fold and
can be easily put inside
a car boot for shopping

trips. And they make it
feasible to fly abroad, as
they are compact and
sturdy, and come with a
lithium-ion battery that’s
suitable for air travel.
Tony Plant (pictured
right) recently took his
powerchair to Walt Disney
World Florida, during a
wider America trip with
his family.
He explains: ‘We had ten
flights in total and they all
went smoothly.
‘The batteries lasted fine,
even during a long day

at the theme parks.’
Cruising is also possible
with a folding powerchair
or lightweight mobility
scooter, meaning that you
can get from the captain’s
table to the theatre without
any strain.
It’s worth asking a
specialist company to
bring several models for
you to try at home.
The best companies even
offer an assessment by an
occupational therapist, to
ensure you find the perfect
powerchair for you. Picture: SPRING CHICKEN

Theme park fun with my powerchair


OLD, wet days
can make joint
pain and stiffness
feel worse.
We know that it’s important
to keep moving, but it’s
much harder to get out and
about on slippery pathways
and pavements.
However, help is at hand in
the form of CBD oil, a new
type of supplement that is
showing real promise for
people with painful joints.
So, does CBD oil have the
same chemical make-up
as cannabis?
The t wo most impor tant
compounds of cannabis are
THC (tetrahydrocannabinol)

and CBD (cannabidiol).
CBD oil reduces the level
of THC leaving the ‘legal’
substance behind.
CBD oil does not produce
psychoactive effects but
rather appears to have
excellent health benefits for
those who use it.
Cannabinoids are naturally
produced in our bodies. CB1
is densely populated within
the brain, dealing mainly with
coordination, movement,
emotions and pain.
C B 2 i s d i s t r i b u t e d
throughout the entire body
and heavily present within
the immune system.
CB2 receptors increase

Take action on painful joints

when there is inflammation
and or pain, indicating they
are working to reduce injury.
Wh e n C B 1 a n d C B 2
re c e p to rs d o t h e i r j o b
w i t h i n o u r b o d i e s o u r
endocannabinoid system
(ECS) can become depleted.
T h e e n d o c a n n a b i n o i d
system works to maintain
h o m e o s t a s i s , w o r k i n g
alongside CB1 and CB2
r e c e p t o r s t o m o n i t o r
reactions in the body.
As with most deficiencies,
supplements can be taken
to replenish those energy
levels and introducing CBD
into the body may increase
the effectiveness of the
endocannabinoid system.
S c i e n t i fi c re s e a rc h i s
finding that CBD oil has
all sorts of potential health
benefits including relief from
migraine, psoriasis, acne
and depression.
P l u s , s c i e n t i s t s a r e
excited about the impact
CBD oil may have on pain
and inflammation.
CBD oil products are selling
so well in shops and online
that more are being added
in the form of oils (pictured
top), capsules and balms.
However, it is important
to buy them only from
reputable sources.
There are more than 100
cannabinoids in the cannabis
plant. CBD is the most well
studied and understood,
s h o w i n g p r o m i s e f o r
treatment in humans.

Why new CBD oil is showing promise


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