Daily Mirror - 05.03.2020

(Nancy Kaufman) #1

mirror.co.uk THURSDAY 05.03.2020 DAILY MIRROR^31


amazing dogs who aRE up foR cRufts awaRd

healing hounds

Birmingham’s NEC. Lead dog handler
Lyndsey has witnessed children
waking from sedation to the presence
of the dogs. She’s also seen, like Oscar,
the first smiles from patients and chil-
dren taking their first steps as part of
rehabilitation thanks to the pooches.
The dogs escort children to theatre
to alleviate anxiety, provide distraction
to those undergoing procedures and
do meet-and-greets to youngsters and
families in the hospital. The amazing

animals also provide support to staff.
Lyndsey says: “What Leo loves is to
get to know a patient. I knew nothing
of Oscar’s diagnosis or condition and
it was suggested I should introduce
the dog to him.
“If we can give them that little bit
of magic to cling on to then that’s
really great. That smile meant
a lot to everybody. It’s
all about keeping the child
with a positive thought

process. Leo will trot in like he owns
the place. The dogs come in and
they are friendly faces. They’re not
there to persuade or cajole,
they’re dogs.
“We’re the bridge between the
healthcare team and the child.”
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Oscar, 3, was

suffering from

a serious brain

condition. As he

lay unresponsive

in hospital, the

doctors tried

one last thing...

thE finalists

grateful Zoe credits
Oscar’s recovery to Leo

and Leo

on the job
Leo helps out
another patient

Poorly Oscar
smiles again
with Leo


extraordinary life of a Working dog: Wolfie
Dog handler PC Louise McMullen and Wolfie the
German shepherd were pursuing armed robbers
when their vehicle crashed in November 2018.
The pair were seriously injured but Louise
dragged herself and Wolfie out of the flames. She
says: “We’ve gone through traumatic event.”
Wolfie retired with PTSD and now lives with her.

Hero support dog: Hearing dog Jovi
Jovi the hearing dog has completely transformed
29-year-old teacher Graham Sage’s life.
Over five years, Graham, of Oxon, has gone from
moderate hearing loss to being severe to profound.
Charity Hearing Dogs for Deaf People paired
him with the cocker spaniel who helps at school
and at home. He says: “Jovi make me feel safer.”

Rescue dog Hero: syrian rescue dog Barrie
Sean Laidlaw, 32, was suffering from PTSD when
he pulled Barrie the crossbreed from the rubble of
a bombed school in Syria in February 2018.
That May the bomb disposal expert with the
Royal Engineers returned home but they were
soon reunited. He says: “It may come across that I
saved Barrie’s life, but she saved mine.”

Best Friends: ellie the crossbreed
When Hayley Byrne-Ingle was 17, her older sister
took her own life three days before turning 22.
But her dog Ellie became the only reason she
got up in the morning and helped to encourage
her to go to activities, which made her socialise.
She says: “Ellie is my life, she’s my rock. I
probably wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for her.”

Sean and
Barrie, and
right, in

Hayley and
‘rock’ Ellie

loyal chum
Wolfie with PC
Louise McMullen

and Jovi
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