The Independent - 05.03.2020

(Wang) #1

She’s still reeling from the idea of “a black girl from South Africa, having this opportunity so early on in
[her] career”, acting alongside the likes of South African superstar, Bonnie Mbuli. But Noughts + Crosses is
not merely a romanticised exploration of the question: “What if Africa had instead conquered the world like
Europe did?” It interrogates whether colonisation, or any other manifestation of absolute power, is ever a
good thing, no matter whose hands it’s in.

Forbidden love: Sephy and Callum cuddle up
together (BBC/Mammoth Screen/IlzeKitshoff)

Masali, who has set her sights on everything from television and film to potentially landing a role in the
West End, because the “theatre here is dope”, believes the show has a unique ability to spark conversations
that many of us are still reluctant to have. “If you are in a position of power and you have privilege in
society, use that to help other people who are struggling or oppressed, because, why wouldn’t you? It’s not
going to take away from anything in your life to help someone who has a rougher lived experience than

Though she had never experienced privilege in the same way Sephy does, Masali knew exactly how to tap
into the obliviousness that privilege tends to allow to fester. “In the books, Sephy and Callum are young
teenagers and Malorie has done a great job because you can feel Sephy’s naivety. She’s new to everything. I
think being new to the industry and not having known about Malorie’s books before [I got the part] kind of
aided in portraying that naivety,” she says.

At the premiere, “Auntie Malorie” herself, as Masali affectionately calls the author, gave Masali and Jack her
approval. “She said that when she thinks of Sephy and Callum, she thinks of Jack and I,” Masali giggles. She
kicks her legs in excitement, as if discussing a secret crush, or, plainly, letting the reality that the former
Children’s Laureate respects what she does, sink in. “To hear that she’s really happy with what we’ve done
with the show? That’s all the approval that I need. I’m good, thank you Auntie Malorie, this was all for you.”

‘Noughts + Crosses’ begins tonight on BBC1 at 9pm

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