The Independent - 05.03.2020

(Wang) #1

“dishonourable, ignoble, low and treacherous” for questioning Turkey’s military involvement in Syria’s
Idlib province.

Tensions are running high following the deaths of more than 50 Turkish soldiers in Idlib in the past month,
including 33 who were killed in an attack last Thursday. Turkey sent thousands of troops to Syria to help
prevent a Russian-backed Syrian government offensive to retake Idlib province and to support Syrian
opposition fighters holed up there. AP

‘Hook, line, and sinker’: thief uses fishing rod to steal Versace necklace

The owners of a high-end jewellery shop are reeling after a man used a fishing rod to steal a Versace
necklace in an “outrageous and courageous” theft. The robbery in Melbourne took place just after 02.00
local time [15.00 GMT] on 24 February in the city’s central business district, and took more than three
hours to pull off.

In footage released by police, the thieving angler can be seen sliding the rod through a hole he had chipped
in the store’s window without setting off the alarm. He then used the rod to lift the necklace, believed to be
valued at A$800 (£414), from a mannequin inside.

Steven Adigrati, owner of the Le Style boutique, described it as an “outrageous and courageous” theft. “I
couldn’t believe it,” Mr Adigrati told Nine News. “Three-and-a-half hours, with two rods, trying to get this
necklace, was amazing. Hook, line, and sinker, I guess. He did it.”

Mr Adigrati said the thief probably did not know the value of the necklace, which he said looked more
expensive than it actually was.

Thunberg condemns EU climate change plan as ‘surrender’

The EU’s plan to stop climate change is so weak that it amounts to “surrender”, Greta Thunberg has said.
Speaking at the European parliament in Brussels the environmental campaigner said the climate law
unveiled by the bloc amounted to “empty words”. “This climate law is surrender, because nature doesn’t
bargain, and you cannot make deals with physics. We will not allow you to surrender on our future,” she
said at a press conference.

The Swedish activist, who has acted as a lightning rod of the climate movement, accused the EU nations of
“pretending that you can be a climate leader” while it continues “building and subsidising new fossil fuel
infrastructure”. The EU has agreed a package of measures to reach net-zero carbon emissions by 2050, the
same as the UK’s target. The UN’s climate authority the IPCC says that globally, carbon emissions must be
cut to net zero by 2050 in order to limit global warming to 1.5C.

India restores internet access in Kashmir for 2 weeks

Indian authorities yesterday temporarily restored full internet access in Kashmir for two weeks, seven
months after they stripped the region of its statehood and semi-autonomy and enforced a total
communications blackout. Internet access over mobile devices, however, will remain restricted to slow

The restoration of the internet will remain in effect until 17 March, a government order said. A recent
Supreme Court order had said the internet ban could not be indefinite. Internet access over fixed lines will
be restricted to registered customers.

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