The Independent - 05.03.2020

(Wang) #1

Biden vs Sanders will play right

into Trump’s hands

Comeback trail: Biden whips up the crowd at his LA rally on Tuesday (Reuters)


The race to battle Donald Trump for the presidency is finally down to two – Joe
Biden and Bernie Sanders. There is no doubt that Biden had the better night on
Super Tuesday. Using the momentum he gathered from a big win in South Carolina
and an energised African-American vote to sweep the states in the south, as well as
picking off a couple of states that Sanders won in 2016. He also won Texas after what
had looked a knife-edge vote for hours.

Sanders will be disappointed, although he did win the most delegate-rich state – California – and other
states out west. There is still a path to the nomination, but Biden has stolen a march on him. Some pundits
are suggesting that Texas is likely a bellwether for the nation and whoever claimed victory would likely take
the nomination.

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