New Scientist 14Feb2020

(Romina) #1
8 February 2020 | New Scientist | 55

Kepler’s Prague:

Music of the spheres



This unique tour allows you to experience how Johannes Kepler developed his theories around
“music universalis” and planetary motion in stunning Prague, the city of a hundred spires.

In terms of achievement and courage, Kepler is considered greater than Galileo. The 12 years
he spent in Prague during the 17th century were the most productive of his life. But Europe was
still gripped by superstition, which led to conflict between politics, religion and science. That
made it a dangerous time for astronomers such as Kepler.

Accompanied by author, broadcaster and Royal Astronomical Society fellow Jane Green,
guests will discover what remains of the legacy of Kepler and his mentor Tycho Brahe, and
explore the medieval centre of Prague plus its surrounding regions.

Or email [email protected]

Departing: 14 April 2020 and 14 September 2020

6 days for £1,968 (approx $2,499)

To book call +44 207 593 2284
( UK opening hours Mon to Fri 9am-6pm GMT Sat 9am-4pm GMT)
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