Theories of Personality 9th Edition

(Jyacinth Fallgp9V4A) #1

296 Part III Humanistic/Existential Theories

Actualizing Tendency

An interrelated and more pertinent assumption is the actualizing tendency, or the
tendency within all humans (and other animals and plants) to move toward comple-
tion or fulfillment of potentials (Rogers, 1959, 1980). This tendency is the only
motive people possess. The need to satisfy one’s hunger drive, to express deep
emotions when they are felt, and to accept one’s self are all examples of the single
motive of actualization. Because each person operates as one complete organism,
actualization involves the whole person—physiological and intellectual, rational
and emotional, conscious and unconscious.
Tendencies to maintain and to enhance the organism are subsumed within
the actualizing tendency. The need for maintenance is similar to the lower steps
on Maslow’s hierarchy of needs (see Chapter 9). It includes such basic needs as
food, air, and safety; but it also includes the tendency to resist change and to seek
the status quo. The conservative nature of maintenance needs is expressed in peo-
ple’s desire to protect their current, comfortable self-concept. People fight against
new ideas; they distort experiences that do not quite fit; they find change painful
and growth frightening.
Even though people have a strong desire to maintain the status quo, they are
willing to learn and to change. This need to become more, to develop, and to
achieve growth is called enhancement. The need for enhancing the self is seen in
people’s willingness to learn things that are not immediately rewarding. Other than
enhancement, what motivates a child to walk? Crawling can satisfy the need for
mobility, whereas walking is associated with falling and with pain. Rogers’ posi-
tion is that people are willing to face threat and pain because of a biologically
based tendency for the organism to fulfill its basic nature.
Enhancement needs are expressed in a variety of forms, including curiosity,
playfulness, self-exploration, friendship, and confidence that one can achieve psy-
chological growth. People have within themselves the creative power to solve
problems, to alter their self-concepts, and to become increasingly self-directed.
Individuals perceive their experiences as reality, and they know their reality better
than anyone else. They do not need to be directed, controlled, exhorted, or manip-
ulated in order to spur them toward actualization.
The actualization tendency is not limited to humans. Other animals and even
plants have an inherent tendency to grow toward reaching their genetic potential—
provided certain conditions are present. For example, in order for a bell pepper
plant to reach its full productive potential, it must have water, sunlight, and a
nutrient soil. Similarly, a human’s actualization tendency is realized only under
certain conditions. Specifically, people must be involved in a relationship with a
partner who is congruent, or authentic, and who demonstrates empathy and uncon-
ditional positive regard. Rogers (1961) emphasized that having a partner who
possesses these three qualities does not cause people to move toward constructive
personal change. It does, however, permit them to actualize their innate tendency
toward self-fulfillment.
Rogers contended that whenever congruence, unconditional positive regard,
and empathy are present in a relationship, psychological growth will invariably
occur. For this reason, he regarded these three conditions as both necessary and
sufficient conditions for becoming a fully functioning or self-actualizing person.
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