The Independent - 04.03.2020

(Romina) #1

“CALLS FOR MIKE!” Behind this wall of posters sat a small group of teenagers at one table in the middle
of an otherwise empty room, phones to their ears. Presumably, these were hired part-timers doing paid
outreach for Bloomberg.

As intriguing as it is that the Bloomberg contingent have come out for Mike in Brooklyn, I couldn’t find a
single other person in my area who even believed that I saw what I’d saw. It was too bizarre, they thought,
too out of sync with the area. For whatever reason, though, it’s true. Bloomberg wants Brooklyners to think
he can “get it done”, as the campaign slogan goes. Will people in Kings County believe yet another
billionaire Manhattanite with a Messiah complex? I doubt it. But then again, I doubted it last time. Only
time will tell.

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