The Independent - 04.03.2020

(Romina) #1

Silver linings amid the clouds of

aviation despair

Global Thrill (8-1 at Catterick) looks a better bet than airline stocks

as coronavirus fear spreads, writes Simon Calder

Scrap metal: 747s ending their days in Victorville, California (Simon Calder)

Europe’s silliest air route? Saarbrucken to Luxembourg. This 49-mile hop is, ridiculously, flown twice daily

  • even though an excellent 75-minute bus link connects the two cities every hour or two for just €5 each

On Friday evening, the Luxair plane touched down in the Grand Duchy shortly before mine, a slightly more
sensible Ryanair flight from Stansted. All 189 seats had been sold on this link, though I counted at least 20
empty as people stayed away from the airport, and Continental Europe.

With Covid-19 claiming ever more victims, these are strange times. Just in case you were ever tempted to
invest in an airline, the past couple of weeks will, I hope, have persuaded you to put your money somewhere
safer – such as on Global Thrill at 8-1 in Wednesday’s 2.20pm at Catterick.

Section 2 /Plane Talk
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