The Independent - 04.03.2020

(Romina) #1

deported in clear breach of legal safeguards and on this occasion an enforceable court order. Charter flights
create a perverse incentive for government to fill up a plane and ask questions later – they should be
immediately suspended while the Home Affairs Select Committee investigates.”

Ms Abbott said: “This is a terrible case, which highlights the Home Office’s disregard for the rule of law. It
seems that this was also a key factor in the recent case of attempted deportations to Jamaica. The allegations
against the home secretary centre on bullying civil servants because they would not breach an order by the
Court of Appeal against deporting anyone who had not had legal advice. It should be absolutely clear that no
government department and no minister is above the law.”

A Home Office spokesperson said: “As there is an ongoing appeal in relation to this case it would be
inappropriate to comment at this time.”

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