The Independent - 04.03.2020

(Romina) #1

we clearly have to do more to ensure that good alternative provision is available and accessible in every area
of the country.”

The panel’s annual report also found that hundreds of children died or were victims of abuse and neglect
after concerns for their welfare had already been raised with social services. Councils are duty-bound to
report safeguarding incidents where a child has died or suffered serious harm to the panel, which was set up
in July 2018.

A Local Government Association (LGA) spokesperson said: “Councils have been working hard with their
partners to respond to changing and emerging threats to children and young people, including criminal
exploitation. However, with children’s social care teams now starting more than 500 child protection
investigations every day, their resources are being pushed to breaking point.”

A government spokesperson said: “Every child deserves to be safe and we are taking urgent action,
including recruiting more social workers and intervening to help vulnerable families stay safely together.
We are also investing an extra £1bn in adult and children’s social care in every year of this parliament and
undertaking an independently-led review into the care system so children and families receive the best
possible support. We are committed to protecting young people most at risk of exploitation, including
putting £220m into initiatives that intervene earlier to prevent them from getting involved in serious

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