The Independent - 04.03.2020

(Romina) #1

Although vowing to fight the legal case out he may, according to critics at least, try to push through
legislation granting him immunity, raising questions about the impact on the judicial system

Ahead of Monday’s election, he promised voters he would a sign a peace deal with Arab states in the Middle
East and imminently annex swathes of the West Bank, an action which is popular in Israel but illegal under
international law and has sparked uproar abroad.

He was perhaps bolstered by the frustration of voters who came out in their millions, in the highest turnout
since 2015. Many The Independent spoke to were furious at the political impasse, but seemed to give up on
any ideas of change and instead spoke of wanting a return to Netanyahu and the set up before the merry-go-
round of voting.

But now, even with a marginal edge he still has a long uphill battle to make it work. His elections promises
of annexation will likely stir more unrest with the Palestinians if they are followed through.

He will have to manage the logistics and optics of multiple court hearings. Although vowing to fight the
legal case out he may, according to critics at least, try to push through legislation granting him immunity,
raising questions about the impact on the judicial system.

He also has yet to fully outline how he will juggle running a country, in one of the toughest neighbourhoods
in the world, while fighting three tricky court cases.

Despite the shock win, he will need all the “wizardry” he has.

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