The Independent - 04.03.2020

(Romina) #1

World news in brief

A man walks past debris following a deadly tornado in Nashville, US (AP)

Tornado kills seven in Tennessee

A tornado has killed at least seven people in Nashville, Tennessee. Many others have been injured, US
authorities said. The tornado hit in the early hours yesterday, damaging homes and downing power lines.
“Our community has been impacted significantly,” police said at 2am local time. “We continue to search for

The Nashville fire department said it was responding to reports of approximately 40 building collapses
around the city. “There are gas lines that are leaking, power lines that are on the ground, and multiple
emergency responders are responding to those who are injured,” police added. Tennessee was one of 14
states voting to choose a Democratic candidate yesterday for the US presidency elections in November.

Indonesian volcano eruption closes airport

A column of ash nearly four miles high has erupted from a volcano in Indonesia, triggering the closure of
the airport in the city of Solo on the densely populated Java island, authorities said. Mount Merapi, also near

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