The Independent - 04.03.2020

(Romina) #1

the city Yogyakarta, is Indonesia’s most active volcano. Indonesia’s Volcano Observatory Notice for
Aviation issued a red alert and said the ash cloud was moving north.

The local disaster mitigation agency warned people to keep out of a 3km exclusion zone around
Merapi. The eruption lasted almost eight minutes and there is a risk of further eruptions due to continuing
movements of magma. The 9,612ft volcano is a popular site for tourists. Reuters

Dolphin murder mystery prompts £42,000 reward offer

Two dolphins with similar injuries have been found dead in one week along Florida’s coast, prompting US
investigators to offer a reward of $54,000 (£42,000) for information. Biologists discovered one of the
dolphins off the coast of Naples last month. It had been killed by a bullet or sharp object, investigators said.
The same week, wildlife experts recovered a dolphin with a bullet in its side along Pensacola Beach.

The US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration first offered a $20,000 (£15,600) reward last
month before raising the amount to $54,000 on Monday in combination with money pledged by animal
rights groups. Experts believe the two deaths might have stemmed from humans feeding the animals. When
dolphins learn to associate people and boats with food, they can expose themselves to dangerous situations.
The NOAA urged people to not feed wild dolphins. AP

Iran denies UN nuclear watchdog access to two sites

The UN watchdog policing Iran’s 2015 nuclear deal with major global powers admonished Tehran yesterday
for failing to provide access to two undeclared locations. Iran also failed to fully answer questions about past
activities at the sites, it said.

The International Atomic Energy Agency watchdog has issued a report in addition to its regular quarterly
update on Iran’s nuclear activities. The report rebuked Iran for its lack of cooperation. “Iran has not
provided access to the agency to two locations ... and not engaged in substantive discussions to clarify
agency questions related to possible undeclared nuclear material and nuclear-related activities,” the report
said. “The director general calls on Iran to immediately cooperate fully with the agency, including by
providing prompt access to the locations specified.” Reuters

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