Estimating in Building Construction

(Kalthiya AryanmXZGQq) #1
(g) Strip from form and stockpiling to finish curing.
(h)Erect the concrete on the job. If poured off the site,
it will also be necessary to load the precast concrete
on trucks, transport it to the job site, unload it, and
then erect it.

  1. Equipment required may include mixers, lift trucks, and
    cranes. Special equipment is required to prestress concrete.
    Equipment to cure the concrete may be required, and mis-
    cellaneous equipment such as hoes, shovels, wheelbar-
    rows, hammers, and vibrators will also be required.

  2. Shop drawings should be prepared either by a company
    draftsman or by a consultant.

10–20 Precast Checklist

Shapes Girders
Bearing requirements Lintels
Accessories Strength requirements
Walls Inserts
Floors Attachment requirements
Ceilings Finish
Beams Color
Joists Special requirements


Web Resources

Review Questions

  1. What is the difference between plant ready-mixed con-
    crete and job-mixed concrete?

  2. Under what circumstances might it be desirable to have
    a field batching plant for job-mixed concrete?

  3. What is the unit of measure for concrete?

  4. Why does the estimator have to keep the different places
    that the concrete will be used separate in the estimate
    (e.g., concrete sidewalks, floor slabs)?

  5. Why should the different strengths of concrete be kept

  6. Where would the estimator most likely find the strength
    of the concrete required?

  7. How is rebar taken off? In what unit of measure are
    large quantities ordered?

  8. How does lap affect the rebar quantities?

  9. How is wire mesh taken off? How is it ordered?
    10. How is vapor barrier taken off? How does the estimator
    determine the number of rolls required?
    11. What unit of measure is used when taking off expansion
    joint fillers?
    12. What unit of measure is used when taking off concrete
    13. Why should each finish be listed separately on the
    14. Where would the estimator look to determine if any
    curing of concrete is required on the project?
    15. Why must the estimator consider how the concrete will
    be transported to the job site?
    16. What unit of measure is used when taking off concrete
    forms? How can reuse of forms affect the estimate?
    17. What unit of measure is used for form liners? When might
    it be more economical to rent instead of purchasing them?
    18. What two methods of pricing might a subcontractor use
    for precast concrete?
    19. Many suppliers take the responsibility of installing the
    precast units. Why might this be desirable?
    20. Under what conditions might it be desirable for a con-
    tractor to precast the concrete on the job site?
    21. Determine the amount of concrete, reinforcing, forms,
    and accessories required for the building in Appendix C.
    22. Using the drawings of Billy’s Convenience Store found
    in Appendix F, determine the quantity of concrete and
    reinforcing required for the spread footings.
    23. Using the drawings of Billy’s Convenience Store found
    in Appendix F, determine the quantity of concrete, rein-
    forcing, and formwork in the slab on grade.

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