Estimating in Building Construction

(Kalthiya AryanmXZGQq) #1
Masonry 125

per 100 sf

Assuming a labor rate of $14.25 for masons and $10.00 for laborers
per hour, the labor costs can be determined.

8.03 hundred sf 8  64 laborer labor hours

8.03 hundred sf 6  48 mason labor hours

Using 6 mason labor hours per 100 sf and 8 laborer labor hours


Total labor cost$684$640


Laborer labor cost 64 hours$10.00 per hour


Mason labor cost 48 hours$14.25 per hour

11–8 Clay Masonry

Clay masonryincludes brick and hollow tile. Brick (Fig-
ure 11.11) is considered a solid masonry unit,whereas tile
(Figure 11.12) is a hollow masonry unit.The faces of each
type of unit may be given a ceramic glazed finish or a variety
of textured faces.
Brick is considered a solid masonry unit even if it con-
tains cores, as long as the core unit is less than 25 percent of
the cross-sectional area of the unit. Bricks are available in a
large variety of sizes. They are usually classified by material,
manufacturer, kind (common or face), size, texture, or finish
on the face.
Hollow tile is classified as either structural clay tile
(Figure 11.12) or structural facing tile.When the units are
designed to be laid up with the cells in a horizontal posi-
tion, they are referred to as side construction;with end con-
structionthe units are laid with the cells in a vertical
position. Structural clay tiles are available in load-bearing

and nonload-bearing varieties, the sizes and shapes of
which vary considerably.
Structural facing tile is available either glazed
or unglazed. Unglazed units may have rough or smooth
finishes, and the ceramic glazed units are available in a
wide variety of colors. These types of units are often used
on the exteriors of buildings and on the interiors of walls
of dairy and food producers, laboratories, and other such
locations that require hard, nonporous, easy-to-clean

11–9 Specifications—Brick

The specifications must be checked to determine exactly the
type of material and the type of mortar as well as the shape,
thickness, and color of the joint itself. The style of bond must
also be determined. From the specifications, the estimator also

FIGURE 11.11.Nominal Brick Sizes.
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