Estimating in Building Construction

(Kalthiya AryanmXZGQq) #1

Laminated decks are available in a variety of thicknesses
and widths. Installation costs are reduced substantially. Note
the wood species, finish, and size required. Appearance
grades are also available.

Estimating. No matter what type of wood deck is
required, the takeoff is the square foot area to be covered.
Because the decking is sold by the board measure, the square
footage is multiplied by the appropriate factor shown in
Figure 13.59. Take particular notice of fastening details and the
size of decking required. (See board measure, Section 13–2.)
Consider also whether the decking is priced delivered to the
job site or must be picked up, where the decking will be
stored, how it will be moved onto the building, and the
number of workers required.
Solid decking requires between 12 and 16 labor hours
for an mbm (thousand board feet), while plank decking
may save 5 to 15 percent of installation cost on a typical
project. Laminated decking saves 15 to 25 percent of the
installation cost since it is attached by nailing instead of
with heavy spikes.

Specifications. Check for wood species, adhesives, fin-
ishes, appearance grade, fastening, size requirements, and
construction of the decking. The size of decking should also
be noted.

13–13 Plywood Systems

The strength and versatility of plywood have caused it to be
recommended for use in structural systems. The systems
presently in use include box beams, rigid frames, folded
plates, and space planes for long-span systems. For short-
span systems, stressed skin panels and curved panels are
used. The availability, size, and ease of shaping of plywood
make it an economical material to work with. Fire ratings
of one hour can also be obtained. Technical information
regarding design, construction, estimating, and cost com-
parison may be obtained through the American Plywood
Association. Plywood structural shapes may be supplied by
a local manufacturer, shipped in, or built by the contrac-
tor’s workforce. The decision will depend on local condi-
tions such as suppliers available, workers, and space

Specifications. Note the thickness and grade of ply-
wood, whether interior or exterior glue is required, fastening
requirements, and finish that will be applied. All glue used in

assembling the construction should be noted, and any spe-
cial treatments, such as with fire or pressure preservatives,
must also be taken off.

Estimating. Take off the size and shape of each member
required. Total the linear footage of each different size and
shape. If a manufacturer is supplying the material, it will
probably be priced by the linear foot of each size or as a
lump sum. If the members are to be built by the contractor’s
workforce, either on or off the job site, a complete takeoff of
lumber and sheets of plywood will be required.

13–14 Wood Checklist

Wo o d :
finish required
solid or hollow
appearance grade
special shapes


wood joists

Wood 173

FIGURE 13.59.Wood Deck Estimating Factors.
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