Estimating in Building Construction
Finishes 213
Review Questions
- What is the difference between drywall and wetwall?
- Why should walls of various heights, thicknesses, and
finishes be listed separately?
- What procedure is used to estimate the steel studs and
runners used?
- List the types of lath used for wetwall and the unit of
measure for each.
- What are the advantages and disadvantages of using
subcontractors for drywall and wetwall construction?
- What unit of measure is used for wood block flooring,
and what information should be noted on the workup
- What unit of measure is used for resilient flooring, and
what information should be noted on the workup
8. What unit of measure is used to estimate carpet, and
what can be done to minimize waste?
9. Determine the amounts of materials required for the
drywall and/or wetwall for the building in Appendix B.
- Determine the amounts of materials required for the
drywall for the building in Appendix C.
- Determine the amount of flooring required for the
building in Appendix C.
- Determine the interior and exterior areas of the resi-
dence to be painted in Appendix C.
- Determine the interior finishes of all areas of the build-
ing in Appendix C.
- Determine the floor finishes required for the building in
Appendix C.
- Determine the floor finishes required for the residence
in Appendix B.