Estimating in Building Construction

(Kalthiya AryanmXZGQq) #1
Equipment 65

vary with the distance, type and amount of equipment,
method of transportation used, and the amount of disman-
tling required for the various pieces of equipment. Mobiliza-
tion costs must also be considered for rental equipment
since it must be brought to the job site. The cost of erecting
some types of equipment, such as hoists, scaffolding, or
cranes, must also be included, as well as the costs of loading
the equipment at the contractor’s yard and unloading it at
the job site.

8–10 Checklist

Equipment listings are given in each chapter and are considered
in relation to the work required on the project. Equipment that
may be required throughout the project includes the following:
Lifting cranes Hoisting engines
Hoisting towers Heaters
Lift trucks Scaffolding

Review Questions

  1. What are the advantages to a small contractor of renting
    equipment instead of owning?

  2. What is depreciation on equipment?

  3. What operating costs must be considered?

  4. Why should interest be included in the equipment costs
    if the contractor paid cash for the equipment?

  5. What is the approximate interest cost if the cost of
    equipment is $75,000, the interest rate 9.5 percent, and
    the life of the loan is six years?
    6. Why must mobilization be included in the cost of
    7. Why is it important that reports from the field pertain-
    ing to equipment be kept?
    8. If there is excessive idle time for equipment on the job,
    to what factors may this be attributed?

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