Science 13Mar2020

(lily) #1
SCIENCE 13 MARCH 2020 • VOL 367 ISSUE 6483 1179



n the push for “open access” (OA)—
making scientific papers immediately
free to everyone—it’s easy to forget that
publishing costs haven’t vanished. They
have simply shifted from subscriptions
paid mostly by university librarians
to fees charged to authors. Those article-
processing fees (APCs), which can run several
thousand dollars per paper, raise concerns of
their own. Universities fear they could end up
paying more to help their scientists publish
their work than they do now for subscrip-
tions. Scientists who have small research
budgets fret that they won’t be able to afford
APCs. And some nonprofit scientific societies
that publish journals worry APCs won’t gen-
erate enough revenue to support other activi-
ties, such as meetings and training.
Now, two nonprofit publishers of promi-
nent journals have debuted new ways to sup-
port OA journals without shifting the burden
entirely to authors. “Everybody that we work
with is watching these two [new models]
closely,” says Michael Clarke of the pub-
lishing consulting firm Clarke & Esposito.
“There is not currently a good solution.”
One approach, called Subscribe to Open
and implemented this week by Annual Re-
views, would transform the nature of sub-
scriptions. To make a journal freely available,
institutions would be asked for a contribution
equivalent to their previous subscription—
minus a 5% discount that Annual Reviews

is offering to retain a critical mass of paying
institutions. To deter freeloading, Annual
Reviews says it will reimpose paywalls and
rescind the discount if not enough subscrib-
ers renew each year. It is planning to pilot
the approach in up to five of its 51 titles,
many of which are widely cited.
The Association for Computing Machin-
ery (ACM) launched a different approach
earlier this year. ACM is asking the insti-
tutions that publish the most papers in its
59 journals to pay more than they do now for
subscriptions—in some cases about 10 times
as much, or $100,000 per year. The higher
fees will allow all researchers at participating
universities to publish an unlimited number
of papers in ACM journals without paying
APCs. The average cost per paper will beat
the average market rate for APCs, the society
says. ACM is betting the approach will sus-
tain its journal revenue while it transitions
to making all the 21,000 peer-reviewed pa-
pers it publishes annually free to everyone.
So far, both approaches are getting a posi-
tive response. At Annual Reviews, some 90%
of subscribers have signed deals that, on
9 March, allowed the publisher to remove
the paywall from the Annual Review of Can-
cer Biology, says Richard Gallagher, presi-
dent and editor-in-chief. Annual Reviews
could roll out OA for up to four additional
journals this spring if other librarians accept
the model, Gallagher says. Curtis Brundy, a
library administrator at Iowa State Univer-
sity, which is participating in the pilot, be-

lieves that “hands down, Subscribe to Open
is our best option as an alternative to APCs.
It’s simpler to implement, and we don’t have
a lot of other models.”
Universities are also starting to embrace
the ACM model. In January, several that pro-
duce the most ACM papers, including the
Massachusetts Institute of Technology and
Carnegie Mellon University, signed 3-year
deals that lock in the higher payments. ACM
is optimistic more universities will follow.
Still, both publishers concede there are
risks. A big one is the free-rider problem.
“People will start to ask themselves, espe-
cially if we experience budget cuts in a given
library, ‘Why am I paying for this when other
people aren’t?’” says Lisa Janicke Hinchliffe
of the University Library at the University of
Illinois, Urbana-Champaign.
Persuading some institutions to pay more
than they do now is another challenge. ACM
calculated that it needed to do so because
two-thirds of its subscription revenue comes
from about 1700 institutions that publish
three papers per year or fewer in any ACM
journal. The rest comes from the roughly
1000 institutions that each publish more
than three papers annually. Once the jour-
nals become free, the 1700 less productive
institutions will have less incentive to sub-
scribe, and any APCs they pay won’t replace
the lost revenue.
Instead, under ACM’s plan for OA, the
11 schools that publish more than 75 papers
per year in ACM journals would pay the high-
est rate for unlimited publishing, $100,
annually, a 10-fold increase over current
subscriptions. In one of the lower tiers, the
roughly 90 universities that publish 20 to
29 papers annually would pay $35,000 annu-
ally. Overall, ACM estimates that if half of the
top 1000 institutions sign on, their journals
can transition to full OA within 5 to 7 years.
Whether the pricing structure works might
not be known for at least 3 years, when the
initial contracts expire.
Even if the models succeed, it’s not clear
they would spread. The Annual Reviews
journals, for instance, are unusual: Although
each appears just once a year and contains
only review articles, many are must-haves
for libraries.
The new experiments underscore that the
search for viable pathways to OA publica-
tion continues. The road to success likely
runs through university librarians willing
to dedicate some of their tight budgets to
testing new arrangements. “We want to sup-
port experimentation,” says Brundy, who re-
cently negotiated a deal under ACM’s new
model, which doubles what the institution
was paying annually, to $17,500. “It comes
down,” he says, “to how much of a commit-
ment a library has to open access.” j

Publishers try out alternative

pathways to open access

But can they overcome free riders and price concerns?


By Jeffrey Brainard

Published by AAAS
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