Science 13Mar2020

(lily) #1

Down-regulated NOTCH pathway activity was
also seen in primary keratinocytes isolated
4 days after birth, before any overt phenotypic
changes could be observed (Fig. 2D and fig. S8,
B to D), indicating that ADAM10 directly ac-
tivates NOTCH.
Given the prominent role of NOTCH signal-
ing in suppressing mouse and human HNSCC
development ( 18 ), we tested whether genet-
ic ablation of canonical NOTCH signaling
components inPik3caH1047Rmice pheno-
copiesAdam10loss. Indeed, sgRNA/Cas9-
mediated mutagenesis ofNotch1,Jag1,and
Jag2or the obligate transcriptional NOTCH
effectorRbpj, as well as conditional deletion of
Notch1andNotch2, caused HNSCC develop-
ment. Targeting the NOTCH ligandDll1or
Adam17, a metalloproteinase implicated in
ligand-independent NOTCH activation that is
required for epidermal barrier function ( 19 , 20 ),
did not trigger tumor development (Fig. 2E;
fig. S9, A and B; and fig. S5D). Finally, we
tested whether restoring NOTCH signaling in
Adam10-deficient mice would block tumor
development. Inducible expression of ectopic
NOTCHICbefore tumor appearance or in es-
tablished tumors resulted in effective tumor
suppression and delayed HNSCC develop-
ment (Fig. 2F and fig. S9, C to F). Thus, loss of

Adam10promotes HNSCC tumorigenesis by
impairing NOTCH signaling.
Our second hit,AJUBA,ismutatedin7%of
HNSCC, 18% of cutaneous SCC, and 2 to 7% of
esophageal SCC cases, but not in other human
cancers ( 3 , 21 ). AJUBA is a scaffold protein
and has been shown to regulate the Hippo
( 22 ), Wnt ( 23 ), and Aurora-A signaling path-
ways ( 24 ) and cell adhesion molecules ( 25 ),
but its role in SCC pathogenesis is unclear ( 1 ).
However, we found that loss of oneAjubaallele
triggered HNSCC development inPik3caH1047R,
HRasG12V,orK14-HPV16mice but retained ex-
pression of the wild-typeAjubaallele (Fig. 3A
Ajubaalso functions as a haploinsufficient tu-
mor suppressor.
Transcriptional profiling and GSEA of kerat-
inocytes isolated fromsgAjuba;Pik3caH1047R
mice 4 days after birth showed no difference in
Hippo or Wnt pathway activation but signif-
icant down-regulation of“NOTCH signaling”
investigated the effect ofAjubaloss on NOTCH
pathway activation in primary keratinocytes.
We used either the canonical NOTCH ligand
JAG1 or EDTA treatment, which forces disso-
ciation of the heterodimeric NOTCH receptor,
thereby allowing release of NOTCHIC.Lossof

Ajuba impaired ligand- and EDTA-induced
up-regulation of NOTCH target genes such as
Hes1andHey1(Fig. 3B and fig. S11E). To test
whether these changes are directly mediated
by NOTCHIC, we performed Rbpj CUT&RUN
(cleavage under targets and release using nu-
clease) sequencing ( 26 ). Most Rbpj-binding sites
in primary keratinocytes are in enhancers and
promoters, where Rbpj is dynamically recruited
upon NOTCH activation (fig. S12, A and B) ( 27 ).
NOTCH pathway inhibition by pharmacological
ADAM10 inhibition or loss ofAjubamarkedly
impaired Rbpj recruitment to and the expres-
sion of canonical NOTCHtarget genes such as
Hes1,Heyl,andNrarpand other genes such as
Id1,Egfr,Tgfb 1 ,Krt10,andJunB(fig.S12,AtoD,
and table S4). Ten of the 15 primary screening
hits are themselves NOTCH target genes, includ-
Irf6, indicating the existence of a feed-forward
loop to enhance NOTCH signaling and thus
tumor suppression (figs. S12C and S17 and
table S3).
To investigate Ajuba’s function, we iden-
tified vicinal proteins by proximity-dependent
biotinylation coupled to mass spectrometry
(BioID) in human 293 cells. AJUBA BioID
enriched for Hippo components (LATS1/2,
AMOT, and PTPN14) and several new proximity
interactors including NOTCH1, NOTCH2, and

Loganathanet al.,Science 367 , 1264–1269 (2020) 13 March 2020 3of6

Fig. 2. Adam10 suppresses HNSCC development by regulating NOTCH.
mice transduced with Cre lentivirus. (B)Adam10mRNA expression levels in
tumors of the indicated genotype. (C) GSEA reveals down-regulation of the NOTCH
pathway inAdam10fl/fl;Pik3caH1047Rtumors. (D)RT-PCRanalysisofNOTCHtarget
gene expression in keratinocytes isolated from postnatal day 4 pups of the indicated

genotype. Data are shown as mean ± SEM (n=3).*P<0.05.(E)Tumor-free
survival forPik3caH1047Rmice transduced with lentiviral Cre-sgRNA targeting the
indicated NOTCH pathway components. (F)NOTCHICexpression rescues loss of
Adam10. Tumor-free survival ofAdam10fl/fl;Pik3caH1047Rmice transduced with
Cre lentiviral constructs that allow for doxycycline-inducible expression of NOTCHIC.
Inducible expression of tdTomato served as a control.


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