Science 13Mar2020

(lily) #1


1194 13 MARCH 2020 • VOL 367 ISSUE 6483 SCIENCE


ability to form KGs limits the expression of
filaggrin monomers ( 5 ), which results in im-
proper barrier formation. This is where LLPS
may play a crucial role.
Garcia Quiroz et al. show that profilaggrin
can undergo LLPS inside cultured keratino-
cytes and that this phenomenon depends on
the number of filaggrin repeats. From syn-
thetic systems, it is known that the concen-
tration at which multivalent repeats undergo
LLPS, as well as the composition of conden-
sates formed, is sensitive to the valency and
stoichiometry of the repeats ( 6 ).
Because skin barrier disorder–
associated profilaggrin muta-
tions result in variable numbers
of filaggrin repeats, these may
reflect a disease-causing mani-
festation of altered multivalency
of a phase-separating protein,
affecting the composition and
dynamics of the cellular con-
densates they form. Using live
imaging of engineered phase
separation sensors transduced
in embryonic mouse skin epithe-
lium, Garcia Quiroz et al. show
that endogenous KGs behave like
condensates, increasing in num-
ber and stiffness as keratinocytes
differentiate and progress through the stra-
tum granulosum. This may be mediated by
the KGs undergoing a liquid–to–gel-like tran-
sition during differentiation, as well as by the
dense network of intermediate filaments in
which KGs grow and with which they inter-
act (see the figure). Macromolecular crowd-
ing can affect phase separation properties
of proteins both in vitro and inside cultured
cells ( 7 ). Moreover, as shown in a nonbiologi-
cal system, the density and elasticity of poly-
mer networks can affect the protein solubil-
ity threshold at which LLPS occurs, as well
as the size and nucleation of condensates ( 8 ).
Although aberrant liquid–to–gel-like tran-
sitions have been speculated to underly the
appearance of protein aggregates in neuro-
degenerative diseases ( 2 ), the study of Garcia
Quiroz et al. indicates that in certain con-
texts, such transitions are physiologically im-
portant—namely, to form a protective layer in
the skin. Also during the formation of gel-like
aggregates in neurodegenerative diseases,
the cytoskeleton ( 9 ) might play a role in mod-
ulating their stiffness. In the future, it will be
important to understand how condensates
and cytoskeletal networks affect each other
to structure the interior of the cell and how
this synergy is perturbed in disease.
Garcia Quiroz et al. also reveal that both
endogenous KGs in the skin and profilag-
grin condensates in cultured cells sense pH
changes, responding to the drop in pH that
occurs when cells approach the stratum cor-

neum. The lower pH triggers KG dissolution,
leading to increased amounts of profilaggrin
in the cytoplasm. Such environmental sens-
ing has been shown for other phase-separat-
ing proteins, such as Sup35 and polyadenyl-
ate-binding protein (Pab1) in yeast ( 10 ). KG
dissolution may also be aided by changes in
intracellular Ca2+ concentrations that occur
during epidermal differentiation ( 11 ), because
keratinocytes express many Ca2+ binding pro-
teins, including profilaggrin. Furthermore,
although not addressed by the authors, pro-

filaggrin becomes extensively phosphorylated
in the granular layer, and subsequently de-
phosphorylated before being processed into
monomers ( 5 ). Cycles of phosphorylation and
dephosphorylation have been shown to regu-
late multiple condensates ( 12 )—for instance,
during stress recovery ( 13 ) and progression
through mitosis ( 14 ). This provides another
attractive, actively controlled mechanism by
which keratinocytes could modify the critical
concentration at which profilaggrin under-
goes LLPS.
The processing of profilaggrin into individ-
ual filaggrin monomers is mediated by prote-
ases, which have been shown in synthetic in
vitro systems to rapidly change the valency of
repeats of engineered proteins, thereby trig-
gering the dissolution of condensates ( 15 ).
It thus seems plausible that a multimodal
mechanism is in place to ensure that conden-
sation and subsequent dissolution of KGs in
keratinocytes is robust and precisely timed
during epidermal differentiation.
But why undergo LLPS to produce KGs,
when they disappear and profilaggrin is
cleaved into monomers in the layer above?
Many functions have been proposed for
condensates, including storage, modulation
of signaling, environmental stress sensing,
force generation, and noise buffering ( 1 , 2 ).
Garcia Quiroz et al. posit that KGs, along with
the keratin network, function to physically
deform the nucleus, prior to enucleation. It
is an attractive hypothesis, considering that

the stiffness of KGs and the density of the
keratin network increase during epidermal
differentiation. However, it is also possible
that KGs act as a storage depot for profilag-
grin, protecting it from proteolytic process-
ing. Exclusion of proteases from KGs would
prevent premature processing of profilag-
grin. Moreover, there are high amounts of the
amino acid histidine in profilaggrin, which
is metabolically converted to organic acids
upon proteolytic cleavage in the stratum
corneum, contributing to skin acidification.
Therefore, premature process-
ing of profilaggrin could strongly
affect the intracellular milieu
when it is in high abundance.
Concentrating profilaggrin
through LLPS and formation of
KGs may thus protect the cell
from possible deleterious effects
of premature acidification.
Future studies are required to
address whether sequestering
profilaggrin or other epidermal
regulators in condensates, which
might otherwise have toxic ef-
fects at high cellular concentra-
tions, allows cells to build up
enough material and temporally
regulate their release. The re-
leased proteins may then transition into a
continuous, irreversible solid protein matrix
of the stratum corneum by enzymes that in-
troduce covalent cross-links. Multicellular
systems that recapitulate the three-dimen-
sional structure of tissues will become in-
creasingly important to explore how LLPS
is exploited and regulated in cells within the
context of a tissue. By generating new proper-
ties in form and function at the supramolecu-
lar scale, LLPS may provide key insights into
the mechanisms by which biological scales
are connected, and how this goes wrong in
disease. j


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The skin condition ichthyosis vulgaris is likely caused by defective liquid-liquid
phase separation of profilaggrin and hence improper barrier formation in the skin.

Published by AAAS
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