Science 13Mar2020

(lily) #1
SCIENCE 13 MARCH 2020 • VOL 367 ISSUE 6483 1195



By Jonathan Moss and Anna Williams


erebral edema, brain swelling due
to fluid influx, exacerbates the ef-
fects of ischemic large-vessel stroke,
whereby a clot blocks one of the
large blood vessels to the brain. Be-
cause the skull is a closed box, brain
swelling cannot be accommodated, damag-
ing other areas of the brain and leading
to poor long-term prognoses ( 1 ). The cen-
tral dogma to this fluid influx is that its
source is the blood. On page 1211 of this
issue, Mestre et al. ( 2 ) present compel-
ling evidence to suggest that the initial
stages of cerebral edema after ischemic
stroke are driven by influx from an alterna-
tive source—the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF).
This implies that targeting CSF-driven
edema may offer opportunities to treat
these harmful secondary effects of isch-
emic stroke.

A system was previously described
whereby CSF enters the brain parenchyma
through the spaces around arteries and
leaves through the spaces around veins
(perivascular spaces ), removing brain sol-
utes ( 3 ). This lymphatic-like mechanism is
largely dependent on water flow through
aquaporin-4 (AQP4) channels into, and out
of, the endfeet processes of perivascular as-
trocytic glial cells and was thus called the
glymphatic system. The clearing of brain
solutes by this system can be highly ben-
eficial. Removal of amyloid b peptide and
tau protein can reduce pathological aggre-
gations that are implicated in neurodegen-
eration, Alzheimer’s disease, and dementia.
Indeed, when the glymphatic system is ar-
tificially perturbed by the deletion of the
Aqp4 gene in mice, clearance of these fac-
tors is suppressed and pathology worsens
( 3 , 4 ). But what if this clearance pathway
is overwhelmed? Mestre et al. reveal that,

in the immediate response to ischemic
stroke, perivascular spaces are flooded with
CSF, the physiological ebb and flow of the
glymphatic system are perturbed, and fluid
rushes through AQP4 channels of astrocyte
endfeet into the astrocytes and the brain to
cause edema.
The development of cerebral edema is
typically subdivided into three distinct
phases. First, in cytotoxic edema, brain cells
take on fluid and swell as energy-dependent
ion transport fails. Next, in ionic edema, so-
dium ions from the blood cross an intact
blood-brain barrier and create a permissive
osmotic gradient down which fluid flows
into the brain. Finally, in vasogenic edema,
the blood-brain barrier begins to break, al-
lowing an influx of larger blood constitu-
ents. Using a well-characterized mouse
model of unilateral ischemic stroke (affect-
ing part of one brain hemisphere), Mestre
et al. show that influx waves of water, at
11 s and at 5.5 min after stroke (within the
window of cytotoxic edema), increased
water content in the stroke-affected cor-
tex, and this water remained for an hour.
With a fluorescent CSF tracer, the authors
demonstrate that CSF enters the poststroke
hemisphere three times more readily than
the unaffected hemisphere. Tracers in the
blood or CSF (see the photo) confirmed
that the CSF is the source of the increased
water content, which is corroborated by
edema formation along CSF flow pathways
in humans.
What drives this influx of CSF into the
brain? Mestre et al. found that a poststroke
reduction in blood flow led to a hydrostatic
pressure gradient to push CSF into the brain
at 11 s after stroke. The larger influx of CSF
occurred contemporaneously with cyto-
toxic edema, as seen by a decreased mobil-
ity of water molecules due to cell swelling.
This decrease in mobility may be driven by
spreading depolarizations—sudden waves
of extensive gray matter depolarization re-
sulting from the shutdown of transmem-
brane ion gradients in neurons ( 5 ). The au-
thors found that the wave of depolarization
spreads fast, with the wave of CSF influx
following ~30 s behind, suggesting that the
depolarization triggers CSF influx.


Opening the floodgates to the brain

Cerebrospinal fluid influx dictates early edema in response to ischemic large-vessel stroke

Medical Research Council Centre for Regenerative
Medicine, University of Edinburgh, 5 Little France Drive,
Edinburgh EH16 4UU, UK. Email: [email protected]

Blood-brain barrier intact

Cytotoxic edema
Early stage of edema
with brain tissue swelling

Vasogenic edema
Late stage of edema with
disrupted blood-brain barrier

Water from CSF
Water from blood

PVS Arteries

Wave of spreading









Swelling due
to edema






PVS Vasoconstriction

Fluid influx in poststroke edema
In a mouse model of ischemic stroke, a wave of spreading depolarization
leads to waves of vasoconstriction, perivascular space (PVS) enlargement,
and an influx of water from cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) into the brain
through aquaporin-4 expressed on astroctye endfeet, causing early
poststroke edema. This occurs before contributions from
the blood, which exacerbate the edema.

Published by AAAS
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