Science 13Mar2020

(lily) #1
SCIENCE 13 MARCH 2020 • VOL 367 ISSUE 6483 1197



This bandgap is given by a rule Eg = 2eSmaxT,
where e is unit charge, Smax is the maximum
Seebeck coefficient, and T is the temperature
that corresponds to Smax. The Seebeck coeffi-
cient is also called the thermopower and is a
measurement of the voltage produced within
a temperature gradient (S = DV/DT, where V
is voltage). The bandgap rule means that the
most well-known thermoelectric materials
are narrow-bandgap semiconductors, such
as (Bi,Sb) 2 Te 3 (Eg ~ 0.13 eV) ( 3 ), PbTe (Eg ~
0.28 eV) ( 4 ), and GeTe-AgSbTe 2 (Eg ~ 0.39
eV) ( 5 ). The maximum ZT (ZTmax) values for
these thermoelectric materials shift to higher
temperatures as the bandgap increases (see
the figure). To fully realize their potential,
thermoelectric materials must work over
the entire, several-hundred-kelvin operating
range. One method for doing this is with a
segmented leg (see the figure), but interfacial
resistance and mismatched compatibility fac-
tors deteriorate the long-term performance
under high temperature ( 6 ).
Wide-bandgap semiconductors could
solve this temperature range issue but often
have poor electrical properties, but the wide-
bandgap SnSe (~0.86 eV) has proved to be
an excellent thermoelectric material. Its ZT
curve for SnSe covers several narrow-band-
gap thermoelectrics ( 7 – 9 ). SnSe possesses
attractive ZT values at low temperatures,

which continuously increase without satura-
tion up to 800 K. Several special features of
SnSe provide some general selection rules for
new thermoelectric materials that may work
over a wide temperature range. First, the
wide bandgap avoids the intrinsic excitation
and the ZT values are not saturated at high
temperatures. Second, layered structures can
have high in-plane transport properties that
circumvent the normally low carrier density
that plagues wide-bandgap semiconductors.
Wide-bandgap semiconductors were ne-
glected as promising thermoelectrics because
of their intrinsically low carrier density. This
deviates from the optimal carrier density (n)
owing to the ZT parameter interrelations. To
achieve high electrical transport properties
in materials with low carrier density, high
carrier mobility (m) can be found along an
in-plane direction in layered structures, and
thus layered materials can reach high electri-
cal conductivity s = nem. Furthermore, the
low carrier density allows for a high Seebeck
coefficient, and, consequently, an ultrahigh
power factor (PF = S^2 s) ( 9 , 10 ). Third, a low-
symmetry structure is connected to low lat-
tice thermal conductivity (klat), which is a
lower electronic themal conductivity (kele) ow-
ing to low carrier density, and contributes to
the total thermal conductivity (k = klat + kele).
Asymmetric crystal structures have strong

anharmonic lattice vibrations useful for low-
ering thermal conductivity, and their more
complex electronic band structure is also
attractive for thermoelectric materials. The
selection rules will not work for all materials
because of the complex interplay between the
ZT parameters but should provide at least a
rough guide for candidate materials. The se-
lection rules for identifying potentially highly
effective thermoelectrics are appropriate for
both n-type and p-type materials because of
their similar transport principles.
Within these selection rules, some prom-
ising thermoelectrics can be identified, such
as BiCuSeO ( 11 ), BiSbSe 3 ( 12 ), K 2 Bi 8 Se 13 ( 13 ),
and Sb 2 Si 2 Te 6 ( 14 ). The anisotropic transport
properties should lead to improved perfor-
mance in crystalline forms of these materials
where we expect, as for SnSe and SnS crys-
tals, higher carrier mobility ( 9 , 10 ). Moreover,
much more highly effective thermoelectric
performance from these anisotropic thermo-
electric materials could be expected through
integrating present selection rules with the
approach to reveal the intrinsically low ther-
mal conductivity ( 15 ). Finally, it must also be
mentioned that not every material with high-
range ZT values, ZTave, is going to immediately
make for a device-ready material. High ZTave
thermoelectric materials may be challenging
to ultimately turn into commercial devices,
especially at higher temperatures. Interfacial
resistivity and diffusion between the high-
performance thermoelectrics and contact
electrode that can degrade thermoelectric
performance over time are exacerbated at
high temperatures. Some of these issues may
be solved by device engineering, but the pres-
ent selection rules also provide a rough guide
for finding different types of thermoelectric
materials. j


  1. C. B. Vining, Nat. Mater. 8 , 83 (2009).

  2. X. Shi, L. Chen, Nat. Mater. 15 , 691 (2016).

  3. B. Poudel et al., Science 320 , 634 (2008).

  4. P. F. Poudeu et al., Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 45 , 3835 (2006).

  5. S. K. Placheova, Phys. Status Solidi A Appl. Res. 83 , 349

  6. W. Liu, S. Bai, J. Materiomics 5 , 321 (2019).

  7. L.-D. Zhao et al., Nature 508 , 373 (2014).

  8. C. Chang et al., Science 360 , 778 (2018).

  9. L.-D. Zhao et al., Science 351 , 141 (2016).
    1 0. W. H e et al., Science 365 , 1418 (2019).

  10. L.-D. Zhao et al., Appl. Phys. Lett. 97 , 092118 (2010).

  11. S. Wang et al., Energy Environ. Sci. 9 , 3436 (2016).

  12. D.-Y. Chung et al., Chem. Mater. 9 , 3060 (1997).

  13. Y. L u o et al., Joule 4 , 159 (2020).
    1 5. Y. L e e et al., Joule 3 , 719 (2019).

We acknowledge support from the National Key Research
and Development Program of China (2018YFA0702100;
2018YFB0703600), National Natural Science Foundation
of China (51772012; 51671015), Beijing Natural Science
Foundation (JQ18004), Shenzhen Peacock Plan team
(KQTD2016022619565991), National Postdoctoral Program
for Innovative Talents (BX20190028), 111 Project (B17002), and
Postdoctoral Science Foundation of China (2019M660399).
L.-D. Z. has support from the National Science Foundation for
Distinguished Young Scholars (51925101).





Hot side

Cool side

Current fow

Segmented leg
800 K

300 K

Single leg

Layered and low-symmetry crystal



n p
_ +


b c


Thermoelectric devices are
composed of p-type and
n-type semiconducting legs.
The legs combine to convert
heat into current.

To work across a wide
temperature range, a leg
can be composed of several
materials with narrow
bandgaps or one material
with a wide bandgap.

Wide-bandgap single legs [tin selenide (SnSe),
for example] should be crystals that are layered
and have low symmetry, which are more likely to
have a promising thermoelectric performance.

Comparing the fgure of merit
at diferent temperatures
The wide-bandgap material 4 (0.86
eV) has a high ZT across the entire
temperature range of the
segmented leg, whereas each
narrow-bandgap material 1 to 3
(0.13, 0.28, and 0.39 eV) works well
at diferent temperature ranges.



300 400 500 600 700 800
Temperature (K)

ZT Material 1
Material 2
Material 3
Material 4

Searching for thermoelectrics
Finding thermoelectric materials that are efficient across a wide range of temperatures is a challenge. A high
figure of merit (ZT) denotes a promising thermoelectric, but maybe only for a small range of temperatures.

Published by AAAS
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