Science 13Mar2020

(lily) #1

enucleation events in skin are likely driven
by a combination of nuclear deformation and
pH-driven release of as yet undetermined KG


Our design and deployment of a class of in-
nocuous client protein provides a general
strategy to analyze endogenous liquid-liquid
phase separation dynamics across biological
systems in a nondisruptive manner. We envision
that these in vivo phase-separation sensors
may be further functionalized to incorporate
enzymes evolved for proximity proteomics
( 46 , 47 ), potentially enabling—without perturb-
ing endogenous scaffold proteins—the molecu-
lar and biophysical interrogation of endogenous
liquid-liquid phase separation in organoids, tis-
sues, and living organisms.
We used this strategy to illuminate, through
the lens of phase separation, the process of
skin barrier formation, which entails the ap-
pearance of hitherto enigmatic KGs in the
granular layer and then their sudden disap-

pearance as epidermal cells undergo a poorly
understood transition to the stratum corneum.
These granules, long puzzling to skin biologists
( 48 ), had been viewed as inert, cytoplasmic ag-
gregates of filaggrin, which eventually became
cleaved into smaller fragments and amino
acid derivatives to promote keratin filament
bundling ( 21 ) and stratum corneum hydra-
tion ( 24 ). Despite decades of research and
mutations linked to atopic dermatitis ( 23 ), no
clear function had been established for KGs,
filaggrin, or filaggrin paralogs that also ac-
cumulate as granular deposits in epithelial
tissues ( 49 , 50 ).
Through the engineering of filaggrins and
filaggrin disease-associated variants and also
phase-separation sensors, we have now shown
that KGs are abundant, liquid-like mem-
braneless organelles, which, through their
phase-separation–driven assembly and then
disassembly, function to structure the cytoplasm
and drive an environmentally sensitive program
of terminal differentiation in the epidermis.
By virtue of their mechanical and pH-sensitive

properties, KGs are ideally equipped to confer
environmental responsiveness to the rapid and
adaptive process of skin barrier formation. The
discovery that filaggrin-truncating mutations
and loss of KGs are rooted in altered phase-
separation dynamics begins to shed light on
why associated skin barrier disorders are ex-
acerbated by environmental extremes. These
insights open the potential for targeting phase
behavior to therapeutically treat disorders of
the skin’sbarrier.
Liquid-phase condensates have typically
been viewed as reaction centers where select
components (clients) become enriched for
processing or storage within cells ( 2 ). Anal-
ogously, KGs may store clients, possibly pro-
teolytic enzymes and nucleases, that are timely
(in a pH-dependent fashion) and rapidly re-
leased to promote the self-destructive phase of
forming the skin barrier. Additionally, squame
formation likely exploits general biophysical
consequences of KG assembly, because KGs
interspersed by keratin filament bundles mas-
sively crowd the keratinocyte cytoplasm and

Quirozet al.,Science 367 , eaax9554 (2020) 13 March 2020 7of12

Fig. 7. Environmentally regulated KG dynamics
drive skin barrier formation.(A) Nucleus-KG
interactions in HaCATs transfected with FLG
variants. (B) Nucleus-KG interactions in a granular
cell from live imaging of E18.5 mouse skin with
resolution of nuclei (H2B-RFP) and KGs (sensor A).
Arrows point to KG-associated nuclear deforma-
tions. (C) Granular cell–to–squame transition, as
depicted by live imaging (3D view) of E18.5 mouse
skin (movie S8). Early signs include chromatin
compaction (arrows) and diminished partitioning of
sensor within KGs. Late signs include KG dis-
assembly and enucleation. (D) In uteroFlg
knockdown depletes KGs, causes a delay in
enucleation, and partially compromises the skin
barrier. Enucleation speeds were determined by live
imaging of chromatin degradation. Barrier quality
was measured as transepidermal water loss
(TEWL). Asterisks, statistically significant
(p< 0.05). (E) Effects of shifting the intracellular
pH on KG dynamics of mRFP1-tagged FLG* and
sensor A, as monitored by live imaging of
HaCATs (maximum intensity projections). Note the
rapid (t= 5 min) pH-triggered dissolution of KG
components. g1 and g2 show individual granules.
Sensor A mirrored the pH-triggered drop in the
phase-separation capacity of FLG, which became
increasingly cytoplasmic, reflected by a decrease
in its partition coefficient (P= 26 at pH 7.4 to
P= 3.6 at pH 6.2). nu, nucleus. (F) Live imaging
(3D view) of enucleation and cornification in skin of
embryos transduced to express an organelle
marker (top: sensorA/KGs; bottom: H2BRFP/
nuclei) and a pH reporter whose fluorescence is lost
below pH 6.5. mNectarine (top) shows that when
the intracellular pH of granular cells drops below
pH 6.5, KGs begin to disassemble. SEpHLuorin
reports a similar pH drop and shows that it precedes chromatin compaction. (G) Effects of pH-induced KG dynamics in sensor A+skin explants transduced with H2B-RFP
and eitherScr-shRNA (top) orFlg-shRNA (bottom). Note that chromatin compaction is not pH-triggered if KGs are missing altogether. See also figs. S19 to S24.


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