Science 13Mar2020

(lily) #1

V.F.F. conceived and performed AFM experiments. J.L.
performed lentiviral injections.L.P. established and maintained
all relevant mouse lines. E.W. participated in cloning and
protein biochemistry. H.A.P. performed and interpreted
ultrastructural analyses. F.G.Q. and E.F. wrote the manuscript
with contributions from V.F.F.Competing interests:E.F.
and F.G.Q. are inventors on a provisional patent application,
filed by Rockefeller University, for the use of phase-separation
sensors described in this work. The authors declare
no other competing interests.Data and materials

availability:All data needed to evaluate the conclusions in the
paper are present in the paper and/or the supplementary
materials. Plasmids described in the manuscript can be
provided by E.F. or F.G.Q. pending a completed material
transfer agreement. Requests for these materials should be
submitted to [email protected].
Supplementary text

Figs. S1 to S24
Tables S1 to S5
Movies S1 to S8
References ( 62 – 67 )
View/request a protocol for this paper fromBio-protocol.

7 May 2019; resubmitted 20 November 2019
Accepted 22 January 2020

Quirozet al.,Science 367 , eaax9554 (2020) 13 March 2020 12 of 12


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