Science 13Mar2020

(lily) #1



Cerebrospinal fluid influx drives acute ischemic

tissue swelling

Humberto Mestre1,2, Ting Du1,3, Amanda M. Sweeney^1 , Guojun Liu1,4, Andrew J. Samson^5 ,
Weiguo Peng^5 , Kristian Nygaard Mortensen^5 , Frederik Filip Stæger^5 , Peter A. R. Bork5,6,
Logan Bashford^7 , Edna R. Toro^7 , Jeffrey Tithof^7 , Douglas H. Kelley^7 , John H. Thomas^7 , Poul G. Hjorth^6 ,
Erik A. Martens^6 , Rupal I. Mehta1,2,8,9, Orestes Solis^2 , Pablo Blinder10,11, David Kleinfeld12,13,
Hajime Hirase5,14, Yuki Mori^5 †, Maiken Nedergaard1,5†

Stroke affects millions each year. Poststroke brain edema predicts the severity of eventual stroke
damage, yet our concept of how edema develops is incomplete and treatment options remain limited.
In early stages, fluid accumulation occurs owing to a net gain of ions, widely thought to enter from
the vascular compartment. Here, we used magnetic resonance imaging, radiolabeled tracers, and
multiphoton imaging in rodents to show instead that cerebrospinal fluid surrounding the brain enters
the tissue within minutes of an ischemic insult along perivascular flow channels. This process was
initiated by ischemic spreading depolarizations along with subsequent vasoconstriction, which in turn
enlarged the perivascular spaces and doubled glymphatic inflow speeds. Thus, our understanding of
poststroke edema needs to be revised, and these findings could provide a conceptual basis for
development of alternative treatment strategies.


death worldwide, affecting 10 million
patients annually ( 1 , 2 ). Recent strides
in treatment have improved these statis-
tics, but stroke remains a principal cause
of long-term disability ( 1 , 3 ). A detrimental com-
plication is cerebral edema, the abnormal ac-
cumulation of fluid that leads to secondary
ischemia, additional tissue loss, and potential
death ( 4 , 5 ). Targeting edema represents a prom-
ising therapeutic strategy, because the sever-
ity of swelling predicts long-term functional
outcomes ( 6 – 8 ). Although edema also develops

in a range of other central nervous system dis-
eases (e.g., trauma, tumors, and infections),
treatment options remain limited, and those
available are suboptimal. Traditionally, cerebral
edema is divided into two distinct phases: an
early cytotoxic phase and a later vasogenic phase
( 9 ). Cytotoxic edema occurs within minutes of
an ischemic insult and is triggered by spread-
regulated ion homeostasis causing cell swelling
( 6 , 7 , 10 – 14 ). During the subsequent phase,
vasogenic edema, fluid from the blood enters
the brain as a result of blood-brain barrier (BBB)
breakdown ( 15 ). Ions and fluid can cross the
BBB via transcellular and paracellular routes
( 12 ): The transcellular pathway allows for the
early entry of plasma proteins and other osmot-
ically active solutes facilitating fluid entry,
whereas the paracellular pathway takes 2 days
to become active ( 16 , 17 ). However, edema ac-
tually develops several hours before significant
BBB dysfunction ( 18 ). This terminology used for
staging edema was defined in the 1960s, and
the conceptual framework for understanding
and treating edema is still based on these early
observations ( 8 , 9 , 19 ). The term ionic edema was
introduced to explain this intermediary phase,
during which tissue Na+content increases ( 5 , 18 ).
This generates an osmotic gradient with plasma,
allowing water to move into the brain across
an intact BBB ( 20 , 21 ). However, the source of
the excess Na+has been attributed exclusively
to influx from the intravascular compartment
( 5 ). Yet, the brain is bathed in cerebrospinal
fluid (CSF), which has a high Na+concentration
and accounts for almost 10% of intracranial
fluid ( 22 ). CSF has not been recognized as a

source of edema fluid ( 8 ), but the notion that
perivascular spaces (PVSs) provide a conduit
for CSF influx prompted us to reassess this idea.
Glymphatic exchange ofCSF with the intersti-
tial fluid (ISF) provides a means by which CSF
in large quantities may rapidly enter the brain
and drive tissue swelling ( 23 , 24 ). Here, we
found that CSF can indeed provide a key source
for the initial rise in brain water content in the
ischemic brain.

CSF flows into the brain after stroke,
driving acute tissue swelling
To determine whether CSF contributes to edema
in the early phases of acute ischemic stroke, the
middle cerebral artery (MCA) was occluded by
injecting macrospheres into the right common
carotid artery in wild-type mice (Fig. 1, A and B)
( 25 ). Embolic MCA occlusion (MCAO) resulted
in an immediate, steep reduction in relative
cerebral blood flow (rCBF: 92.5 ± 1.2%; Fig. 1C).
Mice exhibited severe neurological deficits the
following day, and the infarct occupied most
of the vascular territory of the MCA (fig. S1). We
used this model to map influx of CSF tagged
with a fluorescent tracer immediately after
MCAO. The CSF tracer was injected 15 min
before occlusion to ensure that it had distributed
along the circle of Willis but not yet transported
up along the MCA (Fig. 1D). Imaging revealed
no difference in CSF tracer entry between ipsi-
lateral and contralateral hemispheres before
stroke, but MCAO resulted in a sharp threefold
increase in ipsilateral CSF tracer influx com-
pared with the contralateral hemisphere (Fig. 1,
E and F). The temporal derivative of the fluo-
rescence curves identified that CSF influx oc-
curred at two separate time points: an early
peak (11.4 ± 1.8 s) and a second peak (5.24 ±
0.48 min) after MCAO (Fig. 1, F and G). We next
asked whether this CSF influx contributed to
edema. The tissue water content of the ischemic
cortex increased rapidly 15 min after occlusion,
whereas the water content in the nonischemic
hemisphere remained constant (Fig. 1H). To
assess the contribution of blood versus CSF to
the rapid increase in water content, the two
fluid compartments were tagged by either in-
travenous or intracisternal injection of^22 Na
and^3 H-mannitol. Early ischemic Na+accumu-
lation is an indirect measure of edema ( 5 , 18 , 26 );
mannitol, on the other hand, is a small BBB-
impermeable tracer whose accumulation re-
flects opening of the barrier (Fig. 1I) ( 27 ).^22 Na
and^3 H-mannitol accumulation in the ische-
mic and nonischemic hemispheres was di-
rectly comparable after intravenous injection,
suggesting that the vascular compartment
was not the source of edema fluid in early
times (Fig. 1, J and K). By contrast, both^22 Na
and^3 H-mannitol accumulated to a greater
degree in the ischemic hemisphere when the
tracers were delivered to the CSF (Fig. 1, L
and M). To determine which pool of CSF


Mestreet al.,Science 367 , eaax7171 (2020) 13 March 2020 1of15

(^1) Center for Translational Neuromedicine, Department of
Neurosurgery, University of Rochester Medical Center,
Rochester, NY 14642, USA.^2 Department of Neuroscience,
University of Rochester Medical Center, Rochester, NY 14642,
USA.^3 School of Pharmacy, China Medical University,
Shenyang 110122, China.^4 Department of Neurosurgery, the
Fourth Affiliated Hospital of China Medical University,
Shenyang 110032, China.^5 Center for Translational
Neuromedicine, Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences,
University of Copenhagen, 2200 Copenhagen, Denmark.
(^6) Department of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science,
Technical University of Denmark, Richard Petersens Plads,
2800 Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark.^7 Department of Mechanical
Engineering, University of Rochester, Rochester, NY 14627,
USA.^8 Department of Pathology, Rush University, Chicago,
IL 60612, USA.^9 Rush Alzheimer’s Disease Center, Rush
University, Chicago, IL 60612, USA.^10 Neurobiology,
Biochemistry and Biophysics School, George S. Wise Faculty
of Life Sciences, Tel Aviv University, 30 Haim Levanon St.,
Tel Aviv 69978, Israel.^11 Sagol School for Neuroscience,
Tel Aviv University, 30 Haim Levanon St., Tel Aviv 69978,
Israel.^12 Department of Physics, University of California, San
Diego, La Jolla, CA 92093, USA.^13 Section of Neurobiology,
University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, CA 92093, USA.
(^14) Laboratory for Neuron-Glia Circuitry, RIKEN Center for Brain
Science, 2-1 Hirosawa, Wako, Saitama 351-0198, Japan.
*These authors contributed equally to this work.
†Corresponding author. Email: maiken_nedergaard@urmc. (M.N.); [email protected] (Y.M.)

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