Barron\'s 03.16.2020

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

March 16, 2020 BARRON’S 7


billion in spending. That was after the

Dow plunged Thursday in the wake of

his address outlining steps to fight the

spread of the virus, including a travel

ban from Europe, among other, more

limited measures.

While most economists are cau-

tiously lowering their forecasts, the

potential decline in gross domestic

product could be far worse than the

consensus view suggests. Most of

their number taketheir cue from1987,

when the Dow’s record 22% one-day

plunge did not lead to a recession, but

instead was followed by continued

growth—in part because of a drop in

interest rates, as the Federal Reserve

eased policy promptly and aggres-

sively to cushion the effects of the

stock market’s plunge.

Joseph Carson, the veteran fore-

caster who was formerly the chief

economist at AllianceBernstein as well

as at major banks, thinks other epi-

sodes could be more relevant anteced-

ents to what the U.S. economy is facing

now. Writing on his LinkedIn blog, he

argues that the U.S. could face record

quarterly declines in GDP, similar to

what occurred in the fourth quarter of

2008 during the financial crisis, or in

the second quarter of 1980.

While the experience of the

2008-09, the worst economic crisis

since the Great Depression, remains

The potential falloff in

GDP could be far worse

than the consensus view


By Randall W.



istory was made in

the week just past,

but not the sort

that will be cele-

brated in the fu-

ture. Not just the

markets, but the

nation, were rocked by big events that

recalled past chaotic episodes. The

comparisons weren’t encouraging,


On Thursday, the Dow Jones In-

dustrial Average suffered its biggest

hit since Black Monday, Oct. 19, 1987,

falling almost 10%. The steep drop

effectively ended the bull market that

began at the major indexes’ nadir 11

years ago this month.

But unlike the reaction to the finan-

cial crisis of 2008-09, which elicited a

coordinated global policy effort, the

response to the spread of the corona-

virus has thus far been limited and

has underscored the breakdown in

cooperation among the major nations.

As a result, the U.S. may face the

steepest drop in economic activity in a

generation, as the lives of Americans

are fundamentally disrupted, with

shifts in work, school, leisure, and

even basic habits, such as greeting one


The message of the markets—eq-

uity, credit, and commodities—has

been that these changes in our way of

life will have a severe impact on the

economy, even if only temporarily.

This would require a swift policy

response, which, for the most part,

has not been forthcoming. Only after

the paroxysms of the financial mar-

kets were policy makers moved to do


President Donald Trump an-

nounced on Friday afternoon various

measures, including the declaration of

Drew Angerer/Getty Imagesa national emergency that permits $

fresh in the minds of virtually all

investors—even if they weren’t active

in the markets then—the recession of

four decades ago is probably a foggy

event in the history books to most.

But for those whose professional

careers extend back to the final years

of the Jimmy Carter administration,

the memories of those days are just

as vivid.

Real GDP contracted at an 8.0%

annual rate in the second quarter of

1980, only slightly less than the 8.4%

annualized decline in the fourth quar-

ter of 2008. The latter episode memo-

rably followed the failure of Lehman

Brothers and the ensuing crisis.

The sharp contraction of the second

quarter of 1980 coincided with the

announcement of credit controls,

which the public interpreted, mistak-

enly, as an order to stop using their

credit cards. That, Carson notes, re-

sulted in a massive, 8.7% annualized

drop in consumer spending, even

faster than the dip in overall GDP. In

the final quarter of 1980, consumer

spending fell only half as fast as GDP.

Carson sees Americans’ drastic

changes in work and living patterns—

including restrictions in gatherings,

cancellations of major sports events,

school closings, and large portions of

the labor force working from home—

as comparable to the cuts in credit use

in 1980. Moreover, he notes the effect

of disruption of supply chains on

business, as well as the loss in wealth

resulting from the plunge in the equity

market, totaling some $7.8 trillion just

since the Feb. 19 peak, according to

Wilshire Associates’ calculations.

Part of those losses were trimmed

on Friday by a sharp rebound of over

9% in the major equity market aver-

ages, virtually wiping out Thursday’s

steep drop. Much of those gains came

in the final hour of the session, after

Trump announced new steps to deal

with the coronavirus threat. In addi-

tion to increased testing, he an-

nounced the suspension of interest

payments on federal student loans and

the purchase of crude oil for the Stra-

tegic Petroleum Reserve. That move

bolstered oil prices that had been bat-

tered because of the price war be-

tween Saudi Arabia and Russia, two

major producers, which had sent fi-

nancial markets reeling at the begin-

ning of the week.

While helpful to counter the imme-

diate effects of the pandemic, the mea-

sures announced late Friday fell far

short of the fiscal policies being under-

taken by governments abroad. Trump

also dismissed legislation being negoti-

ated by his Treasury Secretary, Steven

Mnuchin, and House Speaker Nancy

Pelosi (D., Calif.), saying he doesn’t

believe House Democrats “are giving

enough,” without being specific. Ear-

lier, Pelosi said that the Democratic-

controlled House would approve a

coronavirus aid package that, she said,

would “put families first” by providing

direct relief to those affected.

In contrast to the piecemeal effort

of the federal and state governments

to deal with the spread of the corona-

virus, the United Kingdom announced

a comprehensive, coordinated package

of fiscal and monetary measures, in-

cluding refunding companies’ costs

for employees’ sick leave and a 12 bil-

lion pound ($14.8 billion) stimulus


That followed a half-point cut in

the Bank of England’s key policy in-

terest rate to a record-low 0.25%.

Even Germany, which has put a

balanced budget ahead of consider-

ations of its economy and the effects of

the virus, said on Friday that it would

pledge unlimited cash to businesses

affected by the disease, a move its fi-

nance minister described as a “ba-

zooka” to avert a crisis.

The U.S. lacks a similar sense of

urgency. Mainstream economists’

forecasts have been trimmed relatively

slightly. Backward-looking data con-

tinue to show robust growth before

the outbreak of the virus, and the

Coming Up Short in

Response to the Crisis

The U.S. lacks a sense of urgency. Economists

predict a gradual recovery, ramping up as the

warm weather lets the virus pass. We’ll see.

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