In The Moment 03.2020

(Grace) #1

What your answers reveal...

Your toolkit of stress management
techniques serves you well and it
allows you to keep your reactivity
and health in check. Your resilience
helps you to take on life’s challenges
and you even have the capacity to help
others whenever they might be in
need. Remember it’s okay to stretch
yourself from time to time as stress
isn’t something to be avoided
altogether. Try making a list of
meaningful goals and passions you
would like to pursue in the next 12
months, knowing you’ve got what it
takes to not become overwhelmed as
you take on a new challenge or two.

You’re becoming more aware of the
situations that stress you out, but
that’s usually after the fact. Try
keeping a diary for a week and notice
all the things that trigger you or tick
you off. Reflecting on your stressors
will give you a chance to make
changes and respond more wisely to
them, or remove them, in future.
Empower yourself to be assertive if
you know certain situations or
demands are too much for you by
gracefully saying no. Be mindful of
what you do, and don’t, take on, and
the impact this can have on you both
mentally and physically.

You’re overloaded with daily demands
and you’re reaching, or have reached,
your upper limit. You’re tired of being
exhausted and it’s leading you to
become highly reactive to situations
where you’d like to be more thoughtful
and responsive. Respect your limits
and set some healthy boundaries
moving forward. Otherwise, you’ll
burn out before you know it. Firstly,
listen to your body. Taking time to
switch off is just as important as
anything else on your plate, so make
it priority number one and dedicate
time daily or weekly to resting,
relaxing and enjoying yourself.

Mostly As
You know how to switch off
and self-care is a top priority

Mostly Bs
You cope well with pressure
but there’s room to improve

Mostly Cs
A small glitch is enough to
make your head spin

Adding too much to your
schedule is a sure route
to stress – keep some
time for yourself to
strike a better balance.


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