Lisboa International Contemporary Exhibition 23 - Official catalog

(Atelier Natalia Gromichoc4WQWu) #1

Childhoodmemories,trav els ,visualimagery ,andthecultureofJapanaresomeofthe
elementsthatnourishedmy adolescentyearsintofullartisticexpression.Fromavery
youngage, I was already fascinated by trav elling the world and the playfulness of
memoriestha tarein tegraltomywork,especiallyJapanesecultureanditssymbologyas
itplayedamajorroleinmyartisticresearch.Youcanfindsomeofthes einmyworkslike
themythoftheSungoddess:Amaterasu;thelegendoftheonethous andpapercranes;
andthefantasticmytho log icalJapanesecreatures.Inthepastfewyears,Iworkedmainly
waytobeabletosharetheid eaofacommonconsciousnessthatwearenotalone,and
that we can find someone wh o supports us. A world wherethere is no place for
From the symbiosis of thes e themes , I want to be ab le to achieve new ways of
expressing myself throu gh the world of colors,the exotic, the innocence, and the

Arthur Rusznak

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