
(Ooja) #1

planet, and it saves you from fulfilling the worlds fantasy of the ugly
How to Talk When Youre in Other Countries
Say youre traveling abroad on business and you want to be a global
insider. Whats the first thing on your to-do list? Get a passport and a phrase
book, right? After all, who wants to wander around Rome not knowing how
to ask for a restroom? Or be thirsty in Kuala Lumpur not knowing how to
ask for a soda? Hoever, theres something most of us forget to pack, often
with dire consequencesa book on international customs.
A friend of mine, a fellow speaker named Geraldine, was excited about
her first speech in Japan. To be comfy on her long flight to Tokyo, she
donned her favorite designer jeans and a casual jacket. Fourteen hours and
6,737 miles later, four impeccably dressed Japanese gentlemen greeted her
at Narita Airport. Smiing and bowing low, they handed her their business
cards. With her carry-on bag in one hand, Geri took their cards with the
other. She thanked them, glanced briefly at the cards, and packed them
safely into her back pocket. She then pulled one of her business cards out of
her purse and, sensitive to the fact that they might have difficulty
pronouncing Geraldine, wrote her nickname Geri above her printed name.
The gentlemen hovered over her card, turning it over to examine it a few
times, before one of them put it in his briefcase.
When the five of them arrived at the hotel, they invited Geri for tea in
the lobby. While sipping tea, the gentlemen presented her with a small gift
which she eagerly opened. One of Geris most charming qualities is her
instinctive warmth and effusiveness. She was thrilled with the gift and, in
typical Geri style, she squealed, Oh, its beautiful! as she gave each of the
gentlemen a little hug.
At this point, the four Japanese gentlemen stood up in unson like four
frowning Siamese twins and, bowing only very slightly, mumbled Sayonara
and promptly left. Poor Geri was flabbergasted. What did she do wrong?
Everything! First, the jeans. Even if youre coming off a biccle in Asia,
you do not meet clients casually dressed. The second mistake was Geris
vulgar handling of their business cards. In Asia, the business card is one of
the most important protocol tools. It is always presented and accepted
reverently with both hands. (Except in Moslem Asia where the left hand is
considered unclean.)

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