
(Ooja) #1

with this solution. Nevertheless, the image would be more copelling to a
baseball fan as would analogies like caught on the fly, hitting the dirt, or
throwing a spit ball.
Youve heard people say, This solution is right on target. We all
understand it. But the phrasing would be more dramatic for archery
enthusiasts. If your listener were a bowler, speaking of gutter balls or big
splits would bring whatever you were dicussing to life. If your business
buddies were basketball fans, analogies like hook shot or air ball would
land right in their basket. If your client wrestles, saying feints and scissor
holds would be the way to grab him.
These analogies might sound far-fetched to you. But they are potent
communications tools when they evoke your conversation partners world.
Why not use the most powerful terms possible to get your point across and
make the sale? I call the technique Potent Imaging.
Technique #46
Potent Imaging
Does your customer have a garden? Talk about sowing the seeds for
success. Does your boss own a boat? Tell him or her about a concept that
will hold water or stay afloat. Maybe he is a private pilot? Talk about a
concept really taking off. She plays tennis? Tell her it really hits the sweet
Evoke your listeners interests or lifestyle and weave images around it.
To give your points more power and punch, use analogies from your
listeners world, not your own. Potent Imaging also tells your listeners you
think like them and hints you share their interests.
How to Really Make It Clear to Them 185
Pardon me while I return momentarily to my sadistic fantasies of the
hopelessly confused lone male employee. The all-female management team
is now arguing the corporate strategy using, not football of course, but
ballet analogies.
I say lets do the corporate takeover allegro, she suggests.
Nah, you gotta go adagio in these matters, her colleague responds.
But what if they do a tour jetŽ while were poised in fifth? Cmon did
you ever see a good pas seul from their president? The top woman settles it.
I say lets just give him a little
rŽvŽrence, and then a grand battement in the balls.

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