
(Ooja) #1

Every time my friend Daryl and I meet, we dont say Hello. We say
Quack. Why? We met at a party five years ago and, in our first
conversation, Daryl told me he grew up on a duck farm. When I told him Id
never seen a duck farm, he performed the best human imitation of a duck Id
ever seen. He flipped his head side to side looking at me first out of one
eye, then the other, all the while flapping his arms and quacking. I got such
a laugh out of his performance that it inspired him to do a full flat-footed
duck waddle for me. It was contagious. Together we waddled around the
room flapping and quacking. We made absolute fools of ouselves that
The next day, my phone rang. I picked up the receiver to hear, not
Hello, this is Daryl, but simply, Quack. Im sure thats
Technique #50
Instant History
When you meet a stranger youd like to make less a stranger, search for
some special moment you shared during your first encounter. Then find a
few words that reprieve the laugh, the warm smile, the good feelings the
two of you felt. Now, just like old friends, you have a history together, an
Instant History.
With anyone youd like to make part of your personal or professional
future, look for special moments together. Then make them a refrain.
How to Create a Friendly Private Joke with Them 197
what started our friendship. To this day, every time I hear his Quack on
the phone, it floods me with happy, if a tad embarassing, memories. It
recalls our history and renews our friendship no matter how long its been
since we last quacked at each other.
Now Whats Left?
Chemistry, charisma, and confidence are three characteristics shared by
big winners in all walks of life. Part One helped us make a dynamic,
confident, and charismatic first impression with body language. In Part
Two, we put smooth small-talk lyrics to our body ballet. Then in Part Three,
we seized hints from the big boys and big girls so were contenders for lifes
big league. Part Four rescued us from being tongue-tied with folks with
whom we have very litle in common. And in Part Five, we learned
techniques to create instant chemistry, instant intimacy, instant rapport.
Whats left? You guessed itmaking people feel really good about
themselves. But compliments are a dangerous weapon in todays world. One

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