
(Ooja) #1

quality or personality trait you observed in your partner. Not one you would
necessarily comment on, I caution. Perhaps your partner had a lovely smile
or a twikle in her eye. Perhaps he exuded a sense of calm or credibility. Got
it in your mind?
Then the thunderbolt: OK, now go find your partner and tell them the
nice quality you noticed. What? Tell them? The thought paralyzes them.
One by one, however, they courageously seek their partners and deliver
their Killer Compliments. As peple hear a stranger tell them they have
beautiful hands or pentrating brown eyes, joy fills the room. Laughter
explodes in every corner. I am now looking out at a sea of smiles and happy
blushes. Everyone loves receiving his or her personal Killer Compliment.
And everyone develops friendly feelings toward the giver.
The Killer Compliment Users Manual
Just like a cannon, if you dont use the Killer Compliment corectly, it can
backfire. Heres the users manual that comes with the mighty missile.
How to Make Em Never Forget You with a Killer Compliment 213
Technique #55
Killer Compliment
Whenever you are talking with a stranger youd like to make part of your
professional or personal future, search for one attractive, specific, and
unique quality he or she has.
At the end of the conversation, look the individual right in the eye. Say
his or her name and proceed to curl all ten toes with the Killer Compliment.
Rule #1: Deliver your Killer Compliment to the recipent in private. If
you are standing with a group of four or five people and you praise one
woman for being fit, every other woman feels like a barrel of lard. If you
tell one man he has wonderful carriage, every other feels like a hunchback.
You also make the blushing recipient uncomfortable.
Rule #2: Make your Killer Compliment credible. For example, Im tone-
deaf. If Im forced to sing even a simple song like Happy Birthday, I sound
like a sick pig. If anyone in earshot were foolish enough to tell me they
liked my voice, Id know it was hogwash.
Rule #3: Confer only one Killer Compliment per half year on each
recipient. Otherwise you come across as insincere, groveling, obsequious,
pandering, and a thoroughly manipulative person. Not cool.
With careful aim, the Killer Compliment captures everyone. It works
best, however, when you use it judiciously on new acquaintances. If you

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