
(Ooja) #1

heard moments ago. Yes, it was Ranis same crisp, curt pronunciation. But
her friendly body language made her seem like a different person from the
brusque agent Id dealt with on the phone. Ranis phone persoality and her
demeanor in person were completely different shows.
I realized its the same with all of us. Your personality, mine, and
everyones could be likened to a show, a theatrical perfomance. You want to
make sure yours is a box-office smash, not a flop. The following ten
techniques will get your phone personaity rave reviews.
How to Sound More Exciting on the Phone
I have a friend, Tina, who designed costumes for an off-ofBroadway
show that became a smash hit a few years ago. The tiny show was such a
critical success, it won the heart of an angel a backerand it went to
Broadway. There the show laid a big fat egg.
When I read the bad news, I called Tina. Tina, why did the show get
such bad reviews on Broadway? Tina told me that, sadly, the director didnt
insist the actors and actresses change their peformances to adapt to the new
surroundings. The actors undestated movements, which moved small
audiences alternately to laughter and tears, were lost in the big Broadway
house. Audiences couldnt see their subtle gestures and poignant facial
expressions. Tina told me the performers neglected to make their
movements much bigger to fit the new medium.
That excellent advice is not just for actors. Whenever you are talking,
you must consider your medium. If your face were on a big movie screen,
you might get your message across with a wink or an eyebrow raise. On
radio, however, that would be meaninless. Because listeners couldnt see
your wink, youd have to say something like Hi, Cutie. Because listeners
couldnt see your raised eyebrows, youd have to say, Wow, Im surprised!
Your body language and facial expressions comprise more than half
your personality. When people dont see you, they can get an entirely wrong
impression as I did with Rani. To get your persoality across on the phone,
you must translate your emotions into sound. In fact, you have to
exaggerate the sound because studies have shown people lose 30 percent of
the energy level in their voices on the phone.
Say you meet an important new contact tomorrow. When youre
introduced, you shake her hand, you fully face her. You make good, strong

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