
(Ooja) #1

eye contact and let a sincere smile flood over your face. You even nod and
smile, listening intently as she speaks. She likes you a lot.
But how good an impression could you make on that VIP if both you
and she were blindfolded and the two of you had your hands tied behind
your backs? Thats the handicap you suffer on the phone.
If she couldnt see you, youd have to substitute words to let her know
youre agreeing or listening. Youd have to somehow vebalize that youre
smiling and use her name more to replace the eye contact. Youd be using
the technique I call Talking Gestures.
To make up for your missing eye contact, punctuate your phone
conversations with Uh huh or I hear you. So your litener knows youre
nodding in approval, verbalize I see, Oh thats great, No kidding, Interesting,
and Tell me more!
She didnt see you hitting your head in surprise? Better say What a
surprise! or You dont say!
He just said something impressive and he cant see your look of
admiration? Try That was wise of you or Youre no dummy! Of course, you
need a big verbal smile in your repertoire. Try Oh, wow, thats funny!
Obviously youre going to choose phrases that match your personality and
the situation. Just make sure your
phone listeners hear your emotions.
How to Sound More Exciting on the Phone 233
Technique #60
Talking Gestures
Think of yourself as the star of a personal radio drama every time you
pick up the phone. If you want to come across as engaging as you are, you
must turn your smiles into sound, your nods into noise, and all your
gestures into something your listener can hear. You must replace your
gestures with talk. Then punch up the whole act 30 percent!
How to Sound Close (Even if Youre Hundreds of Miles Away)
When youre not sitting across from each other resting your elbows on
the same desk, your forks on the same table, or your heads on the same
pillow, you need a substitute for intimacy. How can you create closeness
when the two of you are hundreds of miles apart? How can you make the
person youre talking to on the phone feel special when you cant pat their
back or give them a little hug?

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