
(Ooja) #1

that the big thrill of the day is a phone call? Any phone call? From
Big winners dont smile before answering. They put a smile in their
voices after they hear who is on the line. Thats when it counts. Answer the
phone unemotionally, professionally. Say your name or the name of your
company. Then when you hear who is on the line, the little trick is to let a
big smile flood over your face.
Oh Joe, [smile] how nice to hear from you! Sally, [smile] how are you?
Bill, [smile] I was hoping it would be you.
My friend Steve lives in Washington, D.C., and heads a major trade
association that lobbies on Capitol Hill. Whenever I call Steve, I never
know which of his dozens of assistants is going to
How to Make Em Happy They Called You 237
answer. Nevertheless, whoever answers gives me the same warm
First he or she says, Cable Telecommunications Association, the
individuals name, and How may I direct your call? No fake friendliness. No
prefab smiles in the voice. I am sure the assistant is not beaming back at
hior herself in any mirror.
When I say Is Mr. Effros available? This is Leil Lowndes caling, thats
when the employee becomes superfriendly. Oh yes, Ms. Lowndes, he or she
purrs. Definitely! Let me put you right through.
Wow, does that make me feel special! As Im waiting for Steve to come
to the phone, I fantasize him sitting at the head of a long mahogany table in
his weekly staff meeting. I can just hear him instructing his staff, Now if the
president or some higher-ups in the White House call, put them right
through. Oh, and of course, if that important woman Leil Lowndes calls,
put her right through, too.
While visiting Washington last year, I had lunch with Steve. I took the
opportunity to tell him what a pleasure it was to call his office and how I
appreciated his staff s warm phone reception. I thanked him for
familiarizing each with my name and metioning I might be calling from
time to time. Steve looked across the table at me and blinked. Leil, he said,
you teach telephone skills. Havent you caught on?

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