
(Ooja) #1

The third call was tougher. This was from a vendor I had copletely
forgotten to pay. Oh, Im so glad you reminded me of that bill, I lied. Again,
shocked pleasure was the callers reaction. (I was probably the first creditor
in history who ever sounded happy shed called.) In the back of my mind I
felt there was one bill I had overlooked. Im writing the check as we speak.
Then I got my reward. The dunner said, By the way, dont worry about
the 2 percent per month late-payment charge. As long as we get your check
by the end of the week, it will be OK. She hung up happy. (And I got a
presentno finance charges in spite of my oversight.)
And so it went throughout the rest of the day, the rest of the week, and
ever since. Try it. Youll find you get a lot more from anone when you smile,
after you find out who it is or why theyre caling. Use the Oh Wow, Its You!
technique on almost every call.
Technique #62
Oh Wow, Its You!
Dont answer the phone with an Im just sooo happy all the time attitude.
Answer warmly, crisply, and professionally. Then, after you hear who is
calling, let a huge smile of happiness engulf your entire face and spill over
into your voice. You make your caller feel as though your giant warm fuzzy
smile is reserved for him or her.
How to Sneak Past the Gatekeeper
No, No, Aaaaaagh, not The Screen! Picture a torture device called The
Screen. The mad scientist, laughing maniacally, forces the victim into a
giant meat grinder that mashes him through a heavy-metal screen. It slices
his body into a million moecules before hes reconstituted on the other side.
Being screened when you call someones office is the emotional version of
that ordeal.
You place your cold call. May I speak to Mr. Jones? you pleasantly ask.
Whos calling? a haughty voice responds. Of course, your name is not
prestigious enough for the screener to grant you the exalted status of
speaking to Jones.
Her ruthless interrogation continues, And what company are you with?
You submit your companys name, praying it will score with her. And then
to top it off, she has the pluck to ask, And whats this in reference to?
Several weeks after my luncheon with Steve, I had the occsion to call
him again. Is Steve Effros available? This is Leil Lowdes calling.

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