
(Ooja) #1

How to Get Them to Call You Back 253
reflects three Cs: Confidence, Clarity, and Credibility. In addition, make
it entice, entertain, or interest the listener. A flat This is Joe, call me back
doesnt score with big winners.
Stay Tuned For...
Radio DJs use tricks to keep their listeners tuned in. Top salepeople
have similar little tricks to entice prospects to call them back. Heres one
called a cliff-hanger. To make sure listeners wont switch stations during the
radio commercial, the broadcaster throws out a mini-mystery: And right
after the commercial well be back with the winning ticket... It could be
yours... Stay tuned! Whenever you leave a voice mail message for
anyone, try to include a cliff-hanger: Hi, Harry, this is Andrew. I have the
answer to that question you asked me last week. Or Hi Diane, this is Betsy.
I have some big news about that project we were dicussing. Now Harry and
Diane have a reason to call Andrew and Betsy back.
Pitch personality into your message, too. Picture the people listening to
it. Say something to pique their curiosity or make them smile. The message
you leave is your ten-second audition. Make it good.
Technique #67
Your Ten-Second Audition
While dialing, clear your throat. If an answering machine picks up,
pretend the beep is a big Broadway producer saying Nexxxt. Now youre on.
This is Your Ten-Second Audition to prove you are worthy of a quick
Incidentally, if someones voice mail unexpectedly comes on and you are
unprepared, quickly hang up (before the beep so they dont get a hang-up
message.) Take a moment to craft your entetaining, enticing, or interesting
message. Rehearse it once with confidence, clarity, and charisma. Then
redial to leave your great hot message.
A funny thing happens. If your party answers this time, youll be
How to Make the Gatekeeper Think Youre Buddy-Buddy with the VIP
The inspiration for this next telephone technique comes from pesonal
experiences with mid-Manhattan toilets (a less-than-refined origin, to be
sure). New York City, in spite of all its reputed sophitication, lags some of
the shabbiest European cities in one respect. Manhattan has few public

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